Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Unopened Packages ..

Isn't it exciting to think about a brand new year all ready and waiting to be opened and experienced? Just think, 365 new days filled with unexpected treasures! It's mind boggling. Of course the Lord who knows the end from the beginning is aware of every detail that will impact our lives this year and He has already made provisions to cover every need.

Lately, the spiritual realm appears to be very close. I imagine (or realize) a thin veil, someone called it a thin membrane, that separates our world and the spirituals.  I feel I could poke a hole in it and see marvelous things just on the other side. I think the activity there is constant, teeming with boundless energy, but at the same time great peace and order.

For me, if I could poke through that hole, the first thing I would want to see is the face of Jesus. Not in a vision or a dream but actually face to face. Once, years ago, I had a glimpse of His eyes. I was having a very difficult time and had prayed and cried until I was exhausted. Then, just as I was falling asleep, there He was. All I could see were his eyes and all He said was, "I know."  That brief encounter changed my heart and my life. The look in His eyes is seared onto my heart and will never be erased.

 I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.
Psalm 32: 8

Years ago we sang a song about His eyes:

"O, Lord, you're beautiful.
Your face is all I see.
And when your eyes
Are on this child,
Your grace abounds to me."
(Keith Green)

Today, I  take comfort in the truth that His eyes of love watched over me all through 2011. He was committed, even when I wasn't.

It is a good time to take stock and be certain all the failures, discouragements and struggles from last year are repented over and laid aside. So, as I pack up my Christmas decorations I'll be doing a little spiritual packing up also - getting rid of the old debris and making  a clean slate for 2012.

Of course there are times in our lives that hurts, wounds and emotional pain go so deeply into our souls that only God can heal. For those we keep going to God and trusting Him for our healing. Our part is to keep taking them to Him; His part is to heal. And He will, in time, heal our hearts.

I will  keep the good times from 2011 and store them in my heart. They are treasures to be opened and enjoyed over and over through the coming years.  This year is almost over and God is still on the throne. He hasn't been surprised or threatened by anything that happened in 2011.  He is still in control and His eyes are still on His children.

Come on 2012 - let's start this thing!

Happy New Year everyone!!!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

God Meant It For Good

God meant it for good .... I saw this caption earlier on a photograph and once again the Lord reminded me that He is in control. The good, the bad, the ugly - - - it is true, He works it all together for our good.  I do believe though, there are times when "bad" things are specifically meant to bring good to us. The problem is, our bad and His bad usually look different. But because He loves us so much, He understands and hurts with us in our pain.

Last month, my lovely niece was injured in an accident and went to Heaven at only 51 years old. Now, to me that is bad. But to God maybe not so much. Perhaps He sees it as a win-win situation. He wins because his daughter that he loves so very much has come home. As parents we all understand how wonderful it is when one of our children returns after a long absence. To see them up close and personal and throw our arms around them fills our heart and mind with happiness.

Becky wins because she is safely home and has no struggles or limitations. Hummm...Becky with no limitations. Now that is an intriguing thought. She had so many talents and her ability to love on this earth was great; I can only imagine her up there.

And I win because one more member of my family is safely with Jesus and will be there to welcome me at my own home coming. And so, today I choose to focus on the win of this situation. Today I choose to thank my Father for His faithfulness to me and to my family. Once again I must admit that His will is perfect even when it doesn't agree with mine.

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. Gen. 50:20

Only in eternity will we understand what the Lord accomplished in each tragedy in our lives. One thing is for certain, if we are His child, He is working and loving in every situation.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

Enjoy your first Christmas in Heaven, Becky. I can almost hear you singing with the angels ... how beautiful!

Friday, December 2, 2011

A Family Thing

If I had to choose my favorite gift in our family, it would be the gift of gab  ... in other words, we talk. We talk a lot, we talk loudly and we all talk at once. It isn't so important what we say as it is that we say. Whatever is on our mind has to be voiced. It doesn't really matter if anyone is listening or not - so long as we  give our opinion.  Our family get togethers could easily resemble a stand up comedy try-out.

I have friends who freeze up when they are asked questions or put on the spot. They cannot seem to get the words out. Frankly, I do not believe I have ever in my life not found words. Granted, they are often the wrong words, many times ponounced incorrectly, but never, ever do I find myself unable to utter something - no matter how ridiculous.  Many are the times I wish I had not found the words but alas, my mouth opens on its hinges and words start to fly.

There is however, an upside to this communication gift. Several actually. One, people know where I stand. Good or bad, there it is. More importantly, I know where I stand - it is all there when I yell it out and hear it for the first time as it hangs in the air. Watching the faces around me as they try to digest what they cannot believe I just said  is always an adventure. What they don't know is, its an adventure on this side too - normally I can't believe what I just said!

The moral of this little story - if there is one - is that we should take our gifts from God seriously and develop them in a way that pleases Him. Peter was a great communicator but it took a while for him to develop that gift to the point he was not being told to get lost. But, he did learn and we have all benefited from his lessons. So, there's hope for all of us stumbling speakers and writers who have words in our hearts and minds that sound very different when spoken out or written down. Words that carry life but somehow get tangled in our emotions and sound like something from the dark side instead.

A few years ago the Lord gave me a special scripture that has helped me to trust Him when I open my mouth.

Psalms 81:9 & 10

There shall no strange god be in thee; neither shall thou worship any strange god.

I am the Lord thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.  (emphasis mine)

Open my mouth wide..... got it.... letting Him fill it.... still working on that one. But Peter made it, so there's hope for me!

Lovin' the season....

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Love Lifted Me

When Royce was in the burn unit in Utah back in 2000, the Lord came to him late one night and healed him in a miraculous way. Most of you know that, but the interesting thing is what He said that night. OK - first the Lord said, "I have heard their prayers." That was a wonderful encouragement to all of us. But after that, later in their "conversation" Jesus said to Royce: "My love will lift you up."

It took us a while to understand what a powerful statement that was. Not only was He talking about an amazing physical healing, but a lifting up emotionally, mentally and spiritually as well. Since then, Love Lifted Me  has become one of Royce's favorite songs and the phrase is one we have often discussed, pondering the depth of its meaning.

I remember years ago one of our grandsons was about two years old when he contracted a serious staff infection. His parents rushed him to the hospital late one night and when they called to let me know they were bringing his older brothers by our house I had an immediate fear grab my heart. Before I could hang the phone up, the Lord spoke to me, "ride the storm." Ride the storm. The storm is here - its a bad one - ride it.

The only way I could ride that storm was to allow Him to lift me up to that place. The storm was indeed a very bad one. For a while we were not certain our grandson would live. He was covered in big open sores to the point he looked like a tiny monster sitting in the middle of the hospital bed. But then he would flash that famous smile of his and we knew that he too, was riding the storm. After three harrowing days the Lord not only healed him but the sores left no scars. Two years later at four years of age, he was the one most concerned about Granddaddy being confined to a hospital bed for so long.

I'm sure now that he is a teenager he has forgotten that scary time, but sometimes when I look at that beautiful smile I thank God that He lifted each of us up to ride that storm. God's love is like that. In the spirit realm His love is tangible; it has substance and can hold you. God is love. Love is God.

When I sing that song, Love Lifted Me, in my heart I'm singing, God Lifted Me.

And He did and He will. Storms come into all our lives but through His love we can rise above and ride the storm to a new and deeper place in Him.

Love LIfted Me by The Statler Brothers

Saturday, November 19, 2011

God Meant It For Good

I saw the above caption on a photograph earlier and once again, the Lord, reminded me that He is in control. The good, the bad, the ugly - it all works together for our good, but I believe there are times when seemingly horrific things happen in our lives that are specifically meant for our good. The problem is, our view of  "bad" and His view of "bad" are usually very different.

Last month my dear niece had a horrible accident and went home to Heaven at only 51 years old. To me that is bad. But, to God, it probably looks a little different. In His view its a win-win situation. He wins because His daughter has come home. As parents we all understand the joy of seeing our child up close and personal after a long absence.

She wins because she can relax and enjoy life with no struggles or limitations. Hummm...Becky with no limitations is an awesome thought. She had so many talents and her ability to love was great even on this earth; I can only imagine what she is like up there.

And, I win because one more member of my family is waiting safely with Jesus for my own arrival. Today I choose to focus on the win of this situation. Today I choose to thank my Father for His faithfulness to me and to my family. Once again, I must admit that His will is perfect; even when it doesn't agree with mine.

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. Gen 50:20

Only in eternity will we know fully what God accomplishes in each tragedy, but one thing is certain, He works it together to bring good if we are His.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

Enjoy your first Christmas in Heaven, Becky. I can hear you singing with the angels.  How beautiful!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Game Day

It's Friday -- that means its game day. Newnan is taking on Dacula in the second round of the state 5AAAAA playoffs. I am already getting those butterflies in my tummy and trying not to pray about winning a game but praying all the same. I believe Jesus is an avid football fan - just sayin' (sorry Cat).
I also believe He has a special fondness for the Newnan Cougars since so many of his children are involved.

Last Friday about this time I was already emailing back and forth with Becky about the game and our chances of upsetting Valdosta IN Valdosta. She was, along with so many other things, my football buddy on Fridays. I guess a lot of folks worked but she and I could talk it up, like we did that afternoon in the car on our way to the game. The last text I received from her about 10:15 that night was: "I heard it was a "W"...

Today I just want to say that Becky, you were and are a "W"..... I'm not sure you realized that but we did.  I know you would never want to come back here - Heaven has spoiled you now - so go ahead and enjoy it up there, but remember to check in about 10:00 tonight to see if we got another "W".  I love you baby girl.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

A Celebration of Becky

As most of you know, this past Saturday, my dear niece, Becky slipped away to live in Heaven. She suffered a head injury from a fall in her home. She was 51. I miss her terribly.

She was not only a niece, but a friend that I communicated with almost daily and shared so many wonderful talks and confidences. Yesterday at her funeral I was honored to speak for just a few minutes. The following is what I wrote to speak. As I stood in front of people, some of the writing didn't make it in  - other things were added on the spot. But this is my heart, are at least part of it, over Beck. I honor and celebrate her life on this earth and rejoice over her new life in Heaven.

Becky was the first born grandchild in the Wyatt family - which made her the boss, an office she fulfilled well. There was never any doubt who was in charge. I remember at Christmas, Becky always wrote a play for the grandkids to perform for the adults. She would write it, assign roles and they would all head to the back bedroom to practice. Then on Christmas Eve night they would present it for the adults. As an adult she coordinated all our family gatherings - it was just one of her places in the family. She was the organizer, the go to girl in the family.

Like most American families, the Wyatt's are of a mixed ancestry, but mostly we are Irish. Now, Irish folks are known for being emotional: we laugh a lot but we cry a lot too. We can be loud, competitive, a little on the stubborn side. And no matter what is happening in our lives, a good laugh makes everything better. Humor is usually our buffer; with a tad of sarcasm thrown in. The downside of that is, we feel deeply and sometimes those emotions are too much for us to handle. I believe it is safe to say, Becky had her share of Irish blood.

I remember her as a happy child - usually with that look in the eye that made me wonder just what she was up to. How many of us have seen that little glint? Her friends found her loyal to the end. I'm certain many of you can attest to that. And once she loved you, it was forever.

Over the past year or so, Becky and I kept in very close touch. We talked almost daily and emailed in between. Becky had many questions about God; the Bible and what different scriptures meant. She asked me to pray for her. She desired a new lifestyle.

We talked a lot about where she came from, where she was going, and often about her Maw Maw (my mother). One of the things she loved about Maw Maw was her ability to make each grandchild feel like the special one. Not only did they love her as a group, but each grandchild had their own private relationship with Maw Maw. That so impressed Becky.

Saturday at the hospital, I realized just how much like her Becky was. I stood in the hospital room and watched and listened as a steady stream of friends and family was in and out of her room. Several would lean over the bed and speak privately to her, hoping she could hear these last words of love. Then we would talk quietly in the room or the hall. That day I saw Becky had that same unique quality of making each person feel special. Each one had a relationship with Becky that was private, personal and unique. Here I thought I was the special one in her life --- and I was --- and so were each of you. Special in a private way that only the two of you understood. That was another of Becky's special gifts from God. It's called love. The kind of love God has for his children; a special fondness for each of us. Becky had the ability to love each of us right where we are; for exactly who we are. And we loved her back in that same way.

Over the past few months, Becky had her battles, but she never gave up, she never quit, she fought. Every day she started fresh and fought to overcome her weaknesses and draw closer to God. Many days she would call me early and talk about the daily devotional and how it spoke to her. I believe not only did God see her struggle, but He was in that struggle with her. Father's are like that you know.

I loved the way Becky approached God. In typical Becky style, she bared it all before Him. When she stumbled and fell she got up agian. No pretense. When she had a good day she celebrated. She was not seeking religion - she was seeking Jesus.

Like so many of you I've talked to this week, I feel robbed and cheated out of someone beautiful. I am not ready to let her go. I want her here -- with that cocky roll of the eyes and that contagious laugh of hers. But that isn't going to happen. And so, for the 100th time this week, I lift my hands before God and release her to Him....agian. And I thank Him for his love to her and to us and for His faithfulness to Becky. And each time I do that I have a bit more peace ... a bit more acceptance.

One last thing. Several of you have remarked how sad that she died alone.  I do not believe she died alone, but I know Jesus was right there with her, carrying her safely over. He would never draw her, love her and then leave her alone. He promised that. Don't waste another minute dwelling on her fear at the end - in His presence there is no fear.

So, for Becky there are no more struglges, no more humiliations, no more sadness, only joy, only peace.

You won Sweetie  -no matter how it looks, we know you won!  You are free now.

And we are free too - free to hurt, to grieve, to be angry, to forgive. We are also free to move forward with our lives. And rest assured, if you are a child of God, you have not seen the last of Becky!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Let The Worshippers Arise ... To Fight!

Once again, the Lord has me thinking about fighting. Maybe its my nature - or my personality - who knows?  At any rate, the various weapons provided for us has been on my mind lately.

There is a song that says: "Let the Worshippers Arise." Many times when I hear it sung people stand and raise their hands to heaven, showing their love of and to God. That is all well and good, but I'm thinking there is a deeper meaning in these words. I believe that worship is one of our greatest weapons.

Psm 34:7 (Amplified)  The Angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him (who revere and worship Him with awe) and each of them He delivers.

 According to the Bible, he delivers each of them who revere and worship Him with awe. Not just one or two - He delivers each of them.

Psm 34:8 (Amplified) O taste and see that the Lord (our God) is good! Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the man who trusts and takes refuge in Him.

Could it be that when we worship and take refuge in Him we are happy, fortunate and to be envied because while we are worshipping, the Lord is delivering us?

After Royce's accident he had almost a year of Physical Therapy every day. The sessions were exhausting and painful for him. He would come home and I would settle him on the bed with pillows under his arms and hands; put on worship music and leave him alone with God.

And then he would cry. And worship.  And thank the Lord for his healing; for his very life. During those times the presence of Jesus in his room was overwhelming. Sometime I would slip back in and lay as close as possible just because the anointing and presence was so wonderful. We both needed healing in our own way.

The more Royce worshipped, the more the Lord healed; which made Royce more grateful and he worshipped more; which made the Lord heal more. Well, you get the picture. It's called relationship. Give and take. Loving and being loved. Royce wasn't worshipping so the Lord would heal him. He worshipped because he loved the Lord and was grateful for his healing and love.

He didn't sing; he was too tired for that. He did listen to worship tapes but the true worship was coming from his heart. The Lord seeks those to worship Him in spirit and in truth; to revere and worship Him in awe. If you are one who has been taught to open your heart and let your true feelings and emotions rise to the Father; if you can pour out your love along with your pain until your focus is on Jesus and He is utmost in your heart and mind, then you are a worshipper.

Worship has many faces. When we give of ourselves to others in an act of love to the Father, we worship. When we humble ourselves before Him in adoration without a thought for ourselves, we worship.  We worship with our time, our possessions, our energy, but always we worship from our heart.

It is interesting: we never, ever worship to get something from our Father, but we never worship in truth without receiving something from our Father.

"Let The Worshippers Arise."

Friday, October 21, 2011


Its one of those seasons when it seems everyone I talk to is in the midst of a spiritual battle of some sort. Recently, we have heard a little of everything from depression to health issues, to broken relationships to addictions - the enemy is very busy these days. I know that is his job, but does anyone besides me wish he would just stop it???? Just give it a rest!!

But, since he is committed to killing each and every one that he can, we have to suck it up and stay committed as well. Lately I've been praying out of Ephesians 6 where Paul lays out the armor of God. Right off, let me say, it is a good thing we don't have to "suit up" every morning or the enemy would do me in before I even have my coffee. Mornings are not my best time.

Last night was one of those lay awake and stare at the ceiling times, so I took the opportunity to pray over some situations. Once again, the armor of God came to mind and I started to picture a soldier arrayed in God's armor. 

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take  your stand against the devil's schemes. Eph 6:10&11

Seriously, if I have all that armor on in the natural I'm going to need a spear or a gun or some sort of weapon to hurt someone. Stand??? Stand??? That's it?

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Eph 6: 12 & 13

What is the "everything" you have done? Put on the helmet of salvation; imperative and non-negotiable.  Belt of truth - walk in it, speak it, love it. Breast plate of righteousness  - our righteousness is in Jesus Christ which covers our hearts and protects our vital spiritual organs. Shield of faith - to defend ourselves from the enemy's nasty arrows. Reading the Bible and using it as the sword of the Spirit to refute all the devil's ungodly claims.

And finally, this is my favorite part, walking in peace. One of the greatest ways to defeat the enemy is just to keep our peace. Don't argue with him, don't try to convince him, just speak truth, cover your head with salvation, protect your heart, read the word to him and keep  your peace. I love it!!

Now, if only it were as simple as it sounds. And of course it should be but for me it never is. I remember years ago when I was first saved I bought a beautiful plaque for the wall over my desk at work. It read:

Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God.

HA! Anyone who came close was in danger of losing their peace and shattering mine. What a riot it was until I realized I had made a statement that my baby stage Christianity was not able to carry off. That was my first experience in not letting my mouth get ahead of my brain. We are told to stand; not back down; speak the truth; but walk in peace. So, the "declaration" came down and I learned to let my life speak for me. Humility and peace walk hand in hand.

I leave you with this thought - the armor sounds clunky and uncomfortable but when we wear it with the love and humility of Jesus Christ it fits like a glove and when we stand in peace and truth the enemy fears us more than we will ever know. As long as we refuse to tuck tail and run we are covered. Remember, there's no armor for our backsides!  Ouch!!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

We Are Here For Him

One thing I have learned during the difficult seasons of my life is that we are on this earth to glorify and serve God, not the other way around. Strangely, that makes the hard times easier. It keeps things in the right perspective. Our Father never enjoys our suffering, but when pain does come,  it is not useless or wasted. We can be fully persuaded that He is working together a greater weight of glory, whether it is in us or in someone else. Every circumstance is used to grow and develop us and His kingdom on this earth.

Suffering is horrible, painful and debilitating, but it helps to hold on to Romans 8: 28 & 29: 

 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.

Unless I am mistaken - that includes every born again child of God. Great sufferings are not something we even want to mention but they do happen. People die, children leave home, economies fail, pain enters our lives. As I get older I realize pain happens to all of us more often than we like. The only way to get a grip during these times is to look from His viewpoint and remember - always remember - He is not only our loving Heavenly Father, but He is the God of all the universe. That knowledge is wonderful when things are going beautifully in our eyes; when the sun is shining and all is well with the world. It not so comforting when hard times hit and the bottom falls out of our lives. At those times we would prefer to blame someone else for our pain. Of course the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy, but when I am in the midst of such pain I really do not care who caused it; I just want it to stop!

We are however, His servants - He is not ours. We knew that when we signed on, but His faithfulness and love, his compassion and provision, sometimes causes us to forget that we are here for Him. To do His will. To further the purposes of His kingdom on this earth. To become more like Him. To serve Him and others.

 If we can get that deep in our spirits and accept that we are part of a much greater work than just our own lives, it will help us to accept the storms of life. We are not alone in this walk; we are encompassed by a great cloud of witnesses in the spirituals and a great army of saints on this earth.

Our vision is limited to the present and a dim view of the past. We cannot see the future and only when the Lord opens our spiritual eyes can we get even a suggestion of what the future holds. We cannot see into the spirit world except by His decree.

According to the scripture, we are called to:

Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. Romans 12:15.

Its no secret there will be times of weeping as well as times of rejoicing. If we are being made into His image and he instructs us to share the feelings of each other, then I am certain He does the same with us. Our pain does not please Him, but neither is it wasted.

His priorities are different from ours. He sees beyond our flesh and works in our spirits and in the spirits of those around us.

God, give us strength and courage to remember who is the boss.

Friday, September 30, 2011

They Walk Among Us

Alison Krauss - who knew she sang gospel? Apparently everyone but me. Royce & I enjoy her country songs but one day on Pandora radio we heard her singing gospel and now we love her even more! I just recently discovered her song: In the Palm of His Hand. (You will the link at the end of this post.)

Now, I realize that not everyone who sings a gospel song is a child of God. I get that. However, I also understand that God's children are everywhere, often incognito. Their lives are hidden in Him and they go about their daily routine like normal people doing normal things. But, beware, inside these seemingly normal people lies the power of the universe.

WOW --- that's better than any Hollywood movie - better than the best novel. Think about it: within these average people resides an extraordinary God who listens to and answers their prayers, covers their lives and heals their hearts. Who knew? Who can tell? They dress each in their own way, talk of their individual lives shared with family and friends. They come in all shapes, colors, and sizes. These strange folks are as different as the aliens in Men In Black, yet they walk as an army on this earth and gravitate towards one another with built in radar.

So, how can you tell when they are present? How can you know when they are close?  By breathing the atmosphere. Relax in the peace - look closely at the way one responds when hard times hit; look deep in their eye when a friend comes upon troubles; listen closely when they describe their day; come near when they reach to hug; all of these things will give them away. Usually, it isn't what they say as much as how you feel in their presence. It's the quiet ones you have to watch out for.

They walk among us with average lives but beware - -  God is listening to them.   (Alison Krauss singing In The Palm Of His Hand)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Proposal

When my grandson first invited us to witness his marriage proposal, I was thrilled but admittedly a bit hesitant. Proposals are normally intimate, but when it all goes down in a shopping mall, perhaps a little outside viewing would be acceptable. And so it was that last night Granddaddy and I along with about a dozen or so of their friends stood outside a photo booth in Arbor Place Mall and waited with cameras and phones poised for the couple to emerge.

What I did not expect was the little screen on the outside of the booth that displayed what was happening inside the booth. This grandma's heart was beyond words to be a part of this momentous occasion. As it turned out, the photo booth proposal inside a busy mall was absolutely perfect. The friends gathered around outside, the cheering and clapping as passersby gawked and laughed - it was all just perfect. And of course the fact that she said yes was important, but we all knew that would be her answer.

This morning I've been mulling over last night's events and thinking about how wonderful it is to see the first of our next generation step out in faith towards his future. We are a combined family with six children and fifteen grandchildren. For 28 years we have worked, prayed, fought, laughed and loved our way to becoming a real family. Yes, we still have problems, differences, good days and bad, but we are in fact a family. One that has been woven together over the years by God's grace and a lot of patience, forgiveness and love from each other.

So, here we go with another level. Cortney brings her own personality, talents and giftings to mesh with ours. Most importantly, she brings her faith and belief in God. I thrilled to know our next generation begins with two people sold out to God and committed to building a Christian home.

Families are a small version of the body of Christ. I believe the Lord puts us together in a way that brings glory to His name and benefits His kingdom on this earth. We have a specific responsibility as a family unit to further His purposes on this earth. With each addition we have one more person to stand with us in prayer, one more person to bring revelation and insight to our family; thus we are made stronger as a family.

Cortney is a beautiful young lady with a gentleness and purity that is endearing. She is also a wonderfully gifted artist and a natural teacher with patience for working with children. Her love for Thomas and his family is apparent and heartwarming. She will soon become a wife, a daughter and a granddaughter. (We don't have "in-laws" in our family) We are blessed to have her among us.

Welcome Cortney - we are thrilled to have you on board!

Lovin' the season...

Monday, September 19, 2011

Simpleton That I Am...

Life gets better and better as choices get fewer and fewer. Simplicity has become a wonderful friend to me. Whether it is in housekeeping, entertainment, finances or just daily routine; less is just well ... more.

I love the kind of day that slowly unfolds with no agenda other than to live it. The pleasant aroma of coffee brewing mixed with that delicious smell of bacon frying. So, ok, if that doesn't happen til really is fine to eat lunch and breakfast together. Its called brunch. Something the working folks can only enjoy occasionally.

Watching an old B&W movie in my p.j.'s and enjoying the popcorn that goes so well with it; rambling through the day talking to my old Friend at length or just taking what comes my way, makes for a satisfying day. It is amazing how many places I see the hand of God in my life. Perhaps my favorite time comes along about dusk when I can sit on the back porch and watch as the light filters through the tress in perfectness and that sweet hush surrounds me.

Of course, every day isn't like this. Many days are full of errands, people, projects, cleaning, cooking, running, running, running, and I enjoy them as well. But, I'm realizing that more and more often, the simple days of just 'being' come along. And more and more often, I enjoy them thoroughly!

No great moral here - no great advice - just the ramblings of a lady who has made peace with life. God is good to me and I am thrilled that I have time to enjoy His blessings. Come sit with me on the porch and we will visit and ponder on the important things of life: like what's for supper!

Lovin' the season...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Dancing on Diamonds

Vacations are fun, relaxing, exciting and refreshing; but home is.... well, home is home. Its good to be back in GA this morning. True, no sunrise to watch over the ocean, but the fall weather is wonderful and a new season is dawning as summer comes to a close. This morning I'm straining my emotional and spiritual eyes to see what this new season will bring. Of course all I see is cool weather, pretty trees, lots of leaves to rake and snuggling in by the fire. But my Father sees more.

I know its true, the natural reflects the spiritual, so I'm pondering on where I am in the natural. To some people I'm in the fall of my life, to others I'm only beginning. To God, I'm right where I am supposed to be. His timing is always perfect and His love is greater than any plans the enemy can conjure up.

Today I can walk out my door and put one foot in front of the other with a confidence that He is guiding my every step. There is comfort in knowing that if I turn to the right or to the left I will hear a voice saying, this is the way, walk ye in it. What a happy thought - - - if I could skip I would. And dance in the field with my dear friend, wearing wildflowers in our hair.  (You know who you are and we will do that one day...ok, maybe in Heaven, but we will do it!)

Did you ever really watch a child run? They give no thought for where their feet hit the ground; they run with abandonment and strength; arms flinging naturally at odd angles and eyes open for whatever comes. Most of us cannot run like that in the natural, but we can in the spiritual. With an openness to see his face. O, the beauty of that face! Let's run today - and skip - and jump with excitement when we see Him.

These storm clouds looked very threathening, but that's all they did: threathen. A short time later they were gone and all they accomplished was to make the waves more fun to play in. Don't let the storm clouds spoil your day - the sun is right behind them.

Livin' in the season

Friday, September 2, 2011

Sun, Sand and Can't Sees

Royce & I spent this week in a condo at New Smyrna Beach. As most of you know, Royce has been "on restriction" because of heart issues since last April. This getaway was long awaited and much needed. Goodness, the man is like a new person!

I guess you can say this trip marks the end of a quiet season with much time for soul searching; but also the beginning of a new season in our lives.

We are anxious to see what the Lord has planned for us next, but until then, we are enjoying relaxing on the beach; meeting a few new people and eating lots of fresh seafood!

 Seasons pass through our lives in an endless stream of highs and lows. This week has definitely been one of the highs.

(We learned a new term this week: "can't sees." ...those tiny little gnats that pester us that are so small you "can't see" them. Who knew?? )

Hope you enjoy the photos! God's beautiful world is awesome.

Livin' in the season in New Smyrna Beach!!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Was I Snoring???

I remember the scripture that explains to us that only God knows our heart. I understand and believe that. I also know that sometimes people around us think they understand our heart...crazy to me, since we don't know it our self.

Some days it seems my heart is laid out for all to see and interpret their way. In the midst of all this confusion and chaos down here, it is refreshing and comforting to know that God indeed understands my heart. Its OK if I do not, because He does. a cool breeze when I surrender and accept His purposes in my life.

You'd think that by now, at my age (not going to write THAT down), I would understand my heart; know my goals, my desires and my strengths. But alas, it seems the older I get and the longer I walk on this earth, the more I know that I don't know.

Is anyone out there with me on that? Do you also find that days go by when you ponder on where you are going in this season of your life? Sometimes it seems I am treading water with no particular motive then all of a sudden - WHAM - something hits and I'm off on an adventure I never expected.

This one thing I do know: when you are in a season of treading water its best to be preparing yourself for the next onslaught - adventure - assignment, because when it comes there is rarely time for preparation. I'm thinking of the parable of the virgins who did not have enough oil when the Bridegroom arrived. Treading, sleeping, waiting; it is all difficult because I am tempted to be lazy and forget my purpose here.

Today, Lord, help me to prepare while I wait that I might be ready when you call.

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Years ago I was in a place of believing that God, although loving, was sober and required immediate obedience. Of course this was true, but one summer afternoon while Royce and I were driving to Jekyll Island, I discovered another side of my Heavenly Father's personality. I remember very clearly driving along looking at the sky, the flowers that were blooming everywhere and the trees - I dearly love trees. My heart spoke to me and said, "I want to know the God that created all this beauty."

The petals on this dogwood blossom are almost beautiful.

That day was a fork in the road for me. Even though it had not been a conscious prayer, the Lord heard the desire of my heart and began to show me the beauty of  His creation all around me. I continued to honor His laws and strive to please Him, but now, deep in my spirit I served a beautiful, loving, kind, generous Father whose idea of beauty was overwhelming.

Several years later  I re-discovered my love for photography and the idea of our Heavenly Father as a God of beauty slowly worked its way outward and through my camera lens. No matter how hard I try though, its impossible to capture on a photograph the magnificence of His world. He is an awesome God!!

How could a God who creates all this beauty with the words of His mouth be anything other than loving and good? The whole earth is filled with His glory...

Friday, August 12, 2011

God's Promises Are True

Several people have asked why Royce was in the hospital this week. Because FB limits the amount I can write, I thought it would be easier to post it here on my blog.

In April Royce started having shortness of breath, tightness and chest pains. We went to his doctor who immediately sent us to a cardiologist, who immediately said he had blockages and needed a heart cath to determine the severity. We were sent to Piedmont in Fayetteville. During the cath procedure, the doctor came out and said they had found three blockages and it would take 45 minutes or so and then he would be feeling like a new person. We celebrated and expected quick results. . . Silly us.

He was on the table for 3 1/2 hours that day but when the doctor came out he reported the first blockage was calcified and was so hard they could not break through. Because they were limited as to how long they could keep the x-ray on him, they did not have time to work on the other two blockages. He also had a severe reaction to the anesthesia. It took a couple of days for him to get his thought process clear again.

They were doing all they could to avoid bypass surgery so the next week we went to the big Piedmont hospital in downtown Atlanta. They have more sophisticated instruments for difficult cases.

The doctor explained they would use a diamond tip roto rooter and it should take about an hour. That day he was on the table 3 1/2 hours and when the doctor came out he explained they were only able to cut through the first blockage, even using the roto and the laser. This time he went through it with no anesthesia. Because once again he had been exposed to the x-ray for an extended period of time, they had to wait three months to do the other blockages. They released us, full off meds to slow down his heart and a little bottle of nitro pills to carry with him at all times.

I had of course been praying and seeking God for His assurance. Dealing with heart problems was a difficult area for me. One morning I sat down to read my Bible; not looking for a word, just reading. When I opened the Bible I noticed the following verse underlined and dated:

Then Eli answered and said, Go in peace: and the God of Israel grant thee thy petition that thou hast asked of him.

And she said, Let thine handmaid find grace in thy sight. So the woman went her way, and did eat, and her countenance was no more sad. 

 I Samuel 1:17 & 18

The date on the scripture: July 3, 2000 --- the day we were praying for Royce's heart back in UT. The day God brought his heart back into rhythm so the doctors there could operate. Same God, same heart, same promise. Funny thing was, I did not remember being given that scripture. I was using an old Bible that I rarely look at any more and there it was, a reminder of God's faithfulness in our lives.

About a month later, a radiation burn appeared on Royce's back. The doctor was more concerned than we had expected and explained he could not touch him til the burn was completely healed. He was vague about how long that would be. Some burns take several months to heal. Meanwhile, it was business as usual - take it slow - do not exert - no stress ..keep your nitro pills with you at all 911 if the first one doesn't work....etc etc etc. Sure, no prob.

God was good and the burn healed more quickly than the doctor expected so we scheduled his last procedure for last Monday. We were thrilled to be finishing up with this problem that should have been corrected last April.

Then on Friday, Royce's cousin  passed away unexpectedly after struggling with heart problems for several years. He and his wife have spent many wonderful visits here at our home and we were devastated at the news. We postponed the surgery and went down to FL for the funeral. We returned about midnight on Wednesday and reported to the heart lab early Thursday morning. They took him down about 1:30 and the  doctor said this would only take 45 minutes to an hour and should go well.

Two hours later I was beginning to stress a little. I looked around for the lady from UT; the one who danced in the halls and sang praises to God with faith and trust. She was difficult to find here in Atlanta yesterday. Somewhere deep inside I held on but I must admit; after such a fresh day at the funeral and a long extended downtime with delay after delay, I was struggling inside. Once again, pray-ers held us up and fought with us. The Body of Christ continues to amaze me with such love and patience for Royce and me.

Finally, after 2 1/2 hours, they rolled him out; all smiles; looking great. The doctor said they actually inserted three stents. A new blockage had appeared since his last time so they took care of all of them. The doctor's words were: perfect, perfect, perfect. Of course he was describing Royce's heart but he was also talking about my Jesus and his faithfulness: perfect, perfect, perfect!!!

We appreciate all the prayers and encouragement over the summer. Its been a slow one but a good one with much time to rest, contemplate and mull over who we are and where we are headed. One more season is coming to an end and we are excited to see our next step.

Livin' in the Season...

Friday, August 5, 2011

Dirty Feet and Warm Hugs

There is something so sweet about a little child who has been outside playing, running and getting all hot and sweaty. Their hair sticks to their forehead and their feet get all grimy and nasty, even with shoes on. I love to see red faces flushed with excitement over a new game or just running ... wide open running.

But with every good mom, the time comes to hit the bath and wash away all evidence of outside play.Of course the bubbles in the bath are as much fun as the outside play and is yet another game to be enjoyed. I love that about children; their ability to play and enjoy life with an open heart and a mind ready to absorb new ideas and concepts. Childhood is a beautiful season of imagination and love whether its a day of dirty feet or clean baths, the warm hugs are priceless.

Jesus understood our knack for playing around and getting dirty feet. He took time for that with his disciples; time to wash their feet. Remember, Peter wanted to be washed all over, but Jesus said, no, you are clean, only wash your feet.

Daily baths are essential for children romping outside for hours at a time. They are also essential for us if we want to stay close to Jesus and spend time cuddled in His lap; just being with Him.

He wants us to run, play, enjoy life and be open to new ideas and adventures. Sometimes, however, in our zest to live life fully we stumble into dirty puddles and muddy paths. This world is full of such and no matter how hard we strive to stay clean, we often manage to find the exact puddle we were trying to avoid! Its then we quickly run to Jesus to have our feet washed. His bubble bath is his Word and His presence. And just like the bubble baths our children enjoy, the time of washing with Him, even though He sometimes scrubs pretty hard, is filled with love and acceptance.

Jesus answered, "Unless I wash you, you have no part with me." John 13:8 (b)

Bring on the bubbles, Lord. My feet get dirty!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Funerals, Trains and Ramblings

Yesterday was an unusual day for us. We were at a Memorial Service in Cedartown for a neighbor from years ago and when we arrived Royce was asked to speak and pray. Its a good thing the Lord had already prepared him on the way up. . . nothing is "unexpected" with God.

It was a nice time of remembering our friend, reconnecting with old friends and meeting new people that were also in his life. On our way home we rambled around the backroads of Cedartown looking for photo opps and remembering friends and times past.

While my mind was wandering around over years past, I remembered another friend from that season. She was raised in a Pentecostal home and when she was very young had ambitions of being a preacher. She and her friends would play this "pastor/church" game where she would climb up into the apple tree and preach. Her sermon went something like this:

"Are we going to heaven on a train?" 
 "Noooo" (response from ground congregation)
"Are we going to heaven on a plane?"
"How are we going to Heaven?"
"On the wingggggs of the the Lowrdddd."

Not sure why I remember that story or why it came to mind yesterday, perhaps the train track reminded me.

Our friend who had passed on was an unusual character; a crusty sort of guy. It was interesting listening to the different accounts of his personality. Everyone seemed to be sidestepping around particular issues. One of his old high school buddies recounted when Tommy received the Lord and how he had thought about it for a long time before making the decision. There was an sigh of relief  from several when that was told.

In the midst of all the talk about him being crusty, stubborn and hard headed - his teen age granddaughter stood and spoke. I loved her view of Tommy. What others saw as a negative she saw as strength, and security. I think perhaps Grandkids are a little like God: they love grandparents unconditionally and see the best in us.

She obviously loved her grandad with abandonment and in return he showed her the very best of his heart. His heritage to her was one of acceptance and she had no doubt that he always had her back. To some he was cankerous but to her he was a refuge. God took the best in him and passed it on to his granddaughter. Strength is an awesome gift of God;  one I'm sure she will use to His glory.

There is a song that talks about "This Old House," and how the inhabitant is getting ready to leave it. The house was once new and shiny just like Tommy when he accepted the Lord in high school, but now it was run down and shabby. The owner was ready to leave.

Tommy doesn't need his old house any longer, he has moved up to his new mansion in glory. Its odd to think of him singing with the angels but once again I'm reminded not to judge a life on one short season. God sees it all, from the beginning to the end. He is gracious and loving and not willing that any should perish - even if the old house looks a little rough.

So we said goodbye to our friend, with prayers for the family and promises to reconnect soon. We headed home to our house with a reminder that even though we get older and our personalities change, God is constant. His love is unconditional and forever.

Feel like travelin' ...

Monday, July 25, 2011

It Gets Sweeter

'This weekend I had the honor of joining in the celebration for Uncle Junior's 90th birthday. He is actually Royce's uncle, but I claim him too. I think he's OK with that. If you are part of the Body of Christ you can claim him too. He is your brother in Christ, a father in the faith and a beautiful example of what life looks like for someone who has walked with God for more years than I have been alive.

When I look at the video posted above, I see on his and Aunt Ruth's faces the same love and yearning I feel inside; that longing just to see His face. Age doesn't matter when it comes to loving Jesus, but witnessing those who have held on for many years without wavering, without turning back or letting go humbles me and excites me all at the same time. Have no doubt, there are many Christians tucked away at different places on this earth that have not turned aside nor backed down; men and women who still stand for God's principles without compromise. The Body of Christ is alive and well and the Generals are at their post.

Thank you, Jesus for this amazing couple and all they have meant to so many of us over the years. May their lives continue to flourish under your loving hand.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Its true that I love food. Its also true that I can cook... in my way.  My grandma could cook, my mom could cook and even though I did not have the pleasure of meeting her, I'm told that my mother-in-law was a wonderful cook.

Cooking in their era was different. I remember my grandma never used measuring cups or spoons; instead she poured or shook a little into her hand and could tell by looking at it how much she had and needed. Now, THAT'S cooking. That plus stoking up the fire to get the temp correct. I'm mighty afraid my family would have starved had I been born during those times.

On occasion I cooked for a family of five when I was 15 years old, but my grandma was cooking for a big family all by herself when she was eight years old. She wins.

But then, I realize once again they lived in another season and needed abilities I have never found necessary; like how to make a fire to cook breakfast, or carry water from the nearest creek for doing the dishes. Reading their stories is inspiring to me, but personally, I am very happy to have been born exactly when I was.

I pray you are enjoying your season in life as much as I am. Trying to bloom where I'm planted instead of stinking the place up like a weed is sometimes a chore, but He is faithful to give me what I need to make my corner beautiful, even with frozen pizza.

Livin' in the season...

 Love this cookbook.... great recipes and lots of photos.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I have lived long enough to know that any season, whether good or not so good, will pass. Seasons come and go in our lives; one melts into another and unless it is an extreme jolt that throws us into a new era of our lives, it takes a while to realize we have entered a new season.

Looking at these photos of different seasons in nature, I realize it is pretty much the same in the natural order. The above photo was taken on a cool day in autumn, but look at that sky. It could easily be a warm, sunny summer day.

As autumn moves towards winter, there is no mistaking the season - the colors are awesome, the temps drop and we bring out the sweaters. And oh, football begins!

All too soon winter arrives but even then there are promises of springtime coming. These berries though encased in ice hang on for warmer days.

And then one morning we look out the door and spy springtime's early bloomers. The weather, although still chilly and windy, is now sunny and warm enough to enjoy. Ahhh..... a new season begins.

Spring soon melts into the golden days of summer bringing lazy days of sun, late night dinners, pool parties and sleepovers.

Through the seasons and changes in our lives, one thing never changes: God's love for us. How amazing He is! Have you ever stopped to think that a God of such beautiful changes and variety never changes Himself. I love that about Him!! Now, if I can just remember this as I find myself wandering through the seasons in my life. The good, the bad, and the ugly. :-)

Livin' in the season...

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Family Cookbook

Mama Sosebee's blackberry cobbler; mom's chicken and dressing, Grandma's fried pies, Dad's cracker salad, the chicken and rice, the cookies, the chocolate cake and OH - the coconut cake! If your family is like ours, it doesn't take long when we are together to start reminiscing about the food we have enjoyed over the years.

Family gatherings and good food - its impossible to separate the two. And who would want to??

Last year I embarked on yet another project:  putting together a Family Cookbook. My idea was to take recipes, photos, family stories, short bios of the women in our family, create the pages in my digital scrapbook program,  and put it all together in a nice binder. Each lady in our family would receive a copy and as each guy married, his new wife would also receive one.

Good idea, huh? I thought so. At least I did when I started it over a year ago. Somehow, it keeps getting pushed to the back burner for more interesting, uhhh.... easier projects. BeJeweled or Scrabble...

So, now here I am - almost two years later and I am posting this to make me accountable to someone. Accountability - not my favorite idea, but one that has proved important in my life. I would like to say I'm the kind of person who works and makes my own deadlines and never lets up til the job is done. Unfortunately, I'm more the fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kind of person. When the mood hits I'm there without breaking but when the flow lifts its over for a while.

Here are a few of my pages - just to get my mind moving in that direction again. Work with me here people - I need encouragement. I can do this...  I think I can...I think I can....I think I can....

Families are God's design - food is His provision - putting the two together is one of life's most wonderful blessings!

More later, "Livin' in the Season'