Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I have lived long enough to know that any season, whether good or not so good, will pass. Seasons come and go in our lives; one melts into another and unless it is an extreme jolt that throws us into a new era of our lives, it takes a while to realize we have entered a new season.

Looking at these photos of different seasons in nature, I realize it is pretty much the same in the natural order. The above photo was taken on a cool day in autumn, but look at that sky. It could easily be a warm, sunny summer day.

As autumn moves towards winter, there is no mistaking the season - the colors are awesome, the temps drop and we bring out the sweaters. And oh, football begins!

All too soon winter arrives but even then there are promises of springtime coming. These berries though encased in ice hang on for warmer days.

And then one morning we look out the door and spy springtime's early bloomers. The weather, although still chilly and windy, is now sunny and warm enough to enjoy. Ahhh..... a new season begins.

Spring soon melts into the golden days of summer bringing lazy days of sun, late night dinners, pool parties and sleepovers.

Through the seasons and changes in our lives, one thing never changes: God's love for us. How amazing He is! Have you ever stopped to think that a God of such beautiful changes and variety never changes Himself. I love that about Him!! Now, if I can just remember this as I find myself wandering through the seasons in my life. The good, the bad, and the ugly. :-)

Livin' in the season...

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