Saturday, June 18, 2011

I realize this is Daddy's Day weekend, but forgive me if I spend a little time talking about Mama's and Grandma's. This week I said goodbye to one of the "Mama's" in my life. Nanny was 90 years old and was the mother of my first husband. Its a bit strange I suppose to write about her, but even though her son and I parted ways, she and I remained friends.

Many times over the years Nanny was there for me, supporting the kids and me both emotionally and financially. She never reprimanded me nor scolded me for the divorce. Her love was constant and even though we did knock heads a few times over little things, we understood each other and we loved. When I remarried, she accepted my husband as a family member and loved him without question.

God's love has many faces, but I am convinced that His love in the heart of a mom or grandma has special qualities that make it deeper, fuller somehow. We have all read the old thing about our hearts walking around outside our bodies once we become a mom. Of course it is true, and it carries down to the grandchildren and the great-grands.

Years ago I had a pin that read, "Mother's are made in Heaven."  How true! God's  love in a mother's heart is a work of grace. When everything in the natural says walk away,  if it concerns your child or grandchild, you hang in there. You forgive. You start again. You look for the best. You make excuses for the wrongs. You do all possible to make life a little easier for your child; to maintain the relationship.

Nanny had every right to throw our relationship away, but she chose not to. Its a lesson worth learning. How many stories do we hear about estranged children, grandparents, parents who have gone through some sort of separation? We do have a free will, we have a choice. We can stay and work it out or  walk away and let unforgiveness slip in. 

Thank you Lord, for unconditional love. It comes from you but it takes many faces. Today I'm thinking of the face of a loving Nanny.  

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Recycled Teenagers

I read an interesting phrase the other day that describes us pretty well at this point in our lives: Recycled Teenagers. Don't you love that? Think about it:  We stay up as late as we like; then we sleep in as late as we like; days roll into each other without too much to distinguish one from another; chocolate is in full supply and great demand. No one really tells us what to do, even though they try; hormones are in full swing -- only "out" instead of  "in"; we can sit for hours in front of a TV or computer screen, oblivious of what is happening around us.

So, where am I going with this? Hummm...not real sure - just rambling around while I sit on the porch and talk with a few of my grandsons. Its amazing how their brains work, ...uhhh... OK, forget everything I said in the first paragraph. O.M.G. I do NOT think like them. Can you imagine being inside one of those brains???

Uh-ohhh...Grandaddy just joined us and now its really getting interesting. What is it about men that no matter their age they can relate to each other? We are bouncing back and forth between 1950 and 201l;  discussing girls, cars, sports and God. Guess what? Its all basically the same. So, OK, 1950's would find loafers or sneakers instead of flip-flops, but other than that, not much difference.

I love these summertime talks on the back porch. I love hot weather .. and  air conditioning, swimming, dirty little feet and sweaty hair all matted to beautiful little heads, pizzas - pizzas -pizzas, midnight ice cream socials and loud Scrabble games with impossible words like mrpesto.. (Mr. Pesto);  obnoxious burps, hysterical laughter, pillow fights, and lazy days. Humm...perhaps I do think like them after all.

Sooooo.....the "parents" just arrived. Guess I should try to act normal around them, problem is, I'm not sure what that is at this point. They are all very serious and expect people to sit straight, talk with normal words that can be understood, stop at one bowl of ice cream...blah blah blah....boring.....

Ooops - gotta go - there is a Frisbee game going on with the styrofoam plates --

Lovin' the season!!!