Monday, August 30, 2010

Caw Caw.. Caw Caw...

Its that season of the year when the Capt. and I spend a lot of time in our favorite spot: the screen porch. It's up high so we get a view of the ground and also the tree tops. Its a nice perspective. Another thing we get up close is the sound of the forest. Relaxing with a good cup of coffee is a great way to observe the activity in that wooded world.

My imagination gets crazy out there. I can sense the tiny world of the creatures who call our backyard forest their home and I know there are conversations going on all around me. At times I can decipher what's going on between the crows and the redbirds; the blue jays and the squirrels, but this morning there was a different sound. We kept listening and trying to determine what animal makes that sound. Turkey? No. Bird? No. Humm... it was a very faint but insistent sound.

As I walked over to the edge and leaned down to check out the ground below us, I bumped into the sound: a toy barn with animals and a very low battery. The little toy was relentlessly oinking away with what little power he had left. I turned him off and we had a good laugh.

But then I started thinking about all the voices in my world. I know some chirpers who chant and tweet and make me smile; some singers who whistle a pretty tune and brighten my days. I also know a few crows whose endless "caw caw" attitudes make me a little nuts. And then there are the doves in my life who remind me of my Father's love for me. There are the wild turkeys who are just .... turkeys. :-)  And, of course, that persistent oinking from one who refuses to leave me be.

But the most important voice is the still small voice of Jesus. It is His strong, loving voice that keeps me settled. It is never a distraction, never a disappointment, never inappropriate, and always wonderful. His voice quietly thunders through my heart, overshadowing all the others. My day is brighter, my heart is lighter and I know that I am loved.

And oh, he turns off that continual "oinking" sound.

Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Mama Bear

We moms cannot help but see our children and grandchildren through the eye of Mamma's Heart.  A.K.A: The Mama Bear within.

Admit it - if your child (or grandchild)  has ever played any kind of organized sport you have encountered The Bear  at some point. It lives within us like a plague just waiting to surface. One would think that by now I would have slaughtered that Little League Monster Mom that lies deep within, but she still appears unannounced at the most inopportune times.

It doesn't matter the sport, the child or grandchild, it's the competition that brings it out. And the fact that sometimes not everyone notices that my family member is the best on the field. Whatever field that is.

But, I must say, I have reached the point that I can smile and nod, cheer and clap and keep my opinions to myself...most of the time. The season is here - take the field - bring it on - mamma's ready....

                                              and so is the Bear.

Note to Self:  Check out earlier blog about kind words...must read that again.  :-)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

God Is Good

Its a beautiful porch morning down here. The temp is unusually mild for this time of year; the breeze soft and relaxing. Capt. courageous and I are being entertained by the squirrels chasing each other up and down the trees. Its funny how much noise they make for their size. All this peace has resulted in a second pot of coffee and an extended calm before the day descends upon us.

This life style was thrust upon us unexpectedly ten years ago when the explosion brought our employment days to an end. The first few years we were reeling from the impact both physically and emotionally. Then just as we were settling down the automobile accident happened and our lives were upended once again.

Once we recovered from that, we went through a time of frustration with not being productive. Actually, the Capt. had more trouble with that one than I did. But now, we have surrendered and settled into a peace, redeeming the time with our family, enjoying our grandchildren and loving our lives.

Seasons change and it usually takes time to be comfortable again, but God is good and our paths are directed by Him.

The steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord and He delights in his way.  Psm. 37:7

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

No Tootsie Pop?

My friend, Ms. Sajatey, does not want to be compared to a tootsie pop. She prefers Twix... humm..this isn't really working for me. A Twix is all milk chocolate on the outside where the Tootsie Pop is shiny and smooth outside with a surprise softness inside.

Now that's how I see Ms. Sajatey... smoooooth....

Beside how can you call someone Twix?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

You Amaze Me!!

I have a friend named Sajatey who is a true American Indian princess; no lie. Her dad was a chief  (an amazing man I might add) so that makes her a princess. And  although she doesn't walk around in moccasins and sport feathers in her hair, carrying a sign that says, "We were here first," she does have that special, stoic Indian nature.

I think of her a little like a tootsie pop; all smooth and shiny on the outside but soft and chewy on the inside. Ha  - maybe I'll nickname her Tootsie.  She is the kind of lady who walks into a room, smiles sweetly and finds a peaceful place to sit and observe before jumping into a conversation. I, on the other hand, usually barge in talking and laughing, hugging, patting people and generally causing a disruption, often to my own dismay. Anyway, she is an amazing lady with talents and giftings that constantly blow me away. I learn much from her in many ways. She has been my mentor in movie making, scrapbooking, writing, you name it, she can do it.

Now, get this, in an email yesterday she said to me, "You amaze me!"  OMG.. I immediately wrote her back to ask it she meant that in a good way or in that, "Oh, no, you didn't really do that in public," way. But she assured me she meant it in a good way.

Sooooo...I'm going to just bask in that for a while. I am not sure I've ever amazed anyone before in a good way. Really. What is also amazing  is how much that little message meant to me.

                 Amazing...hummm.. me??

                                                     ....maybe I should get  a cape.

                                           Yeah... a red one...

                                     and just a very small tiara.                 

Amazing Me. . . woah!!

A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.  Pr. 25:11

Monday, August 23, 2010

Is That A Nikon You're Using?

Cameras attract people. Whether its in front of it or working behind the lens, people notice cameras. This weekend was no exception as I took photos of my granddaughter's softball game.

Normally because the fence is too high to get a good shot, I, along with the other photographers, must place my lens right at the fence and shoot through that tiny opening. This time the gate was missing! Yea!!! I was able to step right up and get great shots. After a couple of innings a mom from the other team joined me and we shared the spot.

Funny thing happens when two women meet up with a camera. We talk. We connect. At one point she mentioned doing a slide show for the team and of course I asked about what music she uses. I got the standard, "Oh, no, that's too difficult for me."

By the time we parted she had the name of my favorite program, ProShow Producer, by Photodex, and was committed to making videos with transitions and music.

The two of us had little in common. First of all, she uses a Canon and I'm a die-hard Nikon, she was a mom and I'm a grandma. She was cute and slim and I was.... well, I was me. lol 

The point is, life is filled with opportunities to connect with new people. A total stranger can brighten my day and hopefully me theirs. I will probably never see this young lady again but I enjoyed a morning of sharing tips and ideas and watching our girls battle each other on the ball field.

We both walked away a little more comfortable with our photography, having encouraged each other to step up to the plate and do what we love - record the memories of our lives for others to enjoy. And yes, I'll enjoy mine just a little better since we walked away with a big win!  :-)

Friday, August 20, 2010

Ahhh...Go Fly A Kite

I love the uninhibited laughter of a small child. Sweet, unaffected and completely oblivious to anything around them;  their eyes sparkle, the dimples deepen and out comes this captivating sound of pure joy. My personal favorite is the belly laugh. That one makes me feel better no matter what is going on at the time.

Yesterday at lunch there was a young girl with her grandparents and her laughter entertained not only them but all of us within earshot. I'm certain she had no idea the bright spot she was making in our lives. For some reason it reminded of a day many years ago. An ordinary day in the life of a young mom, but that day took an unexpected turn.

My son was about three years old at the time and his dad had bought him a new kite. It could have been his first, I'm not sure. But that morning after breakfast he asked if we could fly his new kite. Well, sure, why not. So, at 9:00 on a summer morning he and I took to the backyard. Of course everyone knows that moms are not the expert kite flyers, but I was giving it my best shot.

Up and down the yard we ran with that stubborn kite that would not get over 10 feet in the air. We ran though - over and over again. My housecoat flapping in the breeze, hair flying everywhere at once. Him with nothing on but his PJ bottoms and both of us barefoot. Sometimes we sat on the back steps with a quick drink to cool off and discuss why this wasn't working for us. He would giggle and we would try again.

Why do I remember that day so clearly? It was the laughter. We laughed and laughed as we ran barefoot together through the grass.

The kite was insignificant; its the laughter I remember. Well, and the fact that we never got that stupid kite up in the air. I do remember coming in and being shocked that it was noon. The breakfast dishes were still sitting on the table; the laundry was piled in front of the washer; we were still in our pj's; our feet were dirty.... and we laughed. And that is what I remember of that day.

It's been a long time since I ran laughing and barefoot in the grass with my housecoat flapping in the breeze. But the laughter; that continues and it's part of what makes life good. Seasons change, people grow up, but the memories remain and the laughter is good for our soul.

A merry heart does good like a medicine.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A Love Story - In Case I Never Told You

The first time I saw him, I was a bit put off by his cockiness.

The next few times I came across him, I had the same reaction; however I could not help but notice his obvious enjoyment in working with the boys. His coaching skills and his camaraderie with the young men was commendable. Still, he was a bit cocky.

Then one evening several years later I was sitting in the stands talking with a girlfriend when he came along to talk to "her." Hummm..ok, fine. I was watching the game anyway. At one point he made a comment that made me look around her to reply. And, in that moment, in the cold night air of an October evening, I saw his sparkling blue eyes, curly hair falling ever so easily on his forehead and WHAM! It was all over.

A few nights later we had our first date at the Steak & Ale Steak House. We danced in front of the fireplace and the fact that no one else in the restaurant was dancing made it even more romantic.

That was twenty-seven years ago and although the black curls have gone away, his sparkling blue eyes, strong arms and gentle manner still make me feel warm and loved. I still catch my breath at times when he first comes into the room. And yes, the cockiness has subsided .... somewhat.

I thank my Heavenly Father for a second chance at love and at life. He must really love me!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Is It Time?

Are your old photographs, videos, letters, parts of your family history stored in closets; somewhere on a top shelf where no one ever looks? For years I talked about doing something with my photos but it was such an overwhelming job I never got around to it. Then, the family reunion came up and I knew it was a perfect opportunity, so I promised to make a movie before I had time to back out. Once I was committed the adventure began.

The little video posted here isn't the one I made for the family - oh no, that one was 45 minutes long! HOURS of fun working on that baby. This one is a short movie that will  hopefully encourage you to dig out your own photos and put them on the big screen for any and all to appreciate. Be prepared to laugh, cry, tweak and retweak before you have it ready to present to your family; the journey is definitely fulfilling and well worth the effort.

And hey, if you aren't interested in the old photos down in the basement, no problem, using your new digital files is even easier. Drag and drop; add a few transitions; insert your favorite music and it's ready to burn. Children especially love watching themselves on T.V. - well, actually, don't we all? And vacation photos are no longer boring when combined with music, a few texts, and some snappy transitions. When completed its easy to pop a DVD in the player and enjoy your time away all over again. Mail them to family and friends or simply upload the video to You Tube.

OK -so I realize this sounds like an ad for the movie programs, forgive me. It doesn't matter which program you use. What matters is that you record your seasons and memories. Leave an imprint from your time here on this earth. Go ahead, express yourself, no one is watching...or are they?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Seasons And Memories

This past week we had a family reunion - the first one we've held in about 15 years. Actually, some of us had to re-introduce ourselves. But it was fun catching up and meeting the next generation.  And, since one of my favorite hobbies is making movies, I put one together for the reunion using old pics collected from the family.  Folks were kind enough to delve into old albums and pull out a little history to share.

Some of the photos dated back to the early 1900's. Working with those old pictures was like taking a walk back through history and seeing my ancestors as real live people, not just names tossed around in old stories. I was amazed to find the similarities between many of them and myself.

The similarities were not only physical, as I discovered in an old hand written book my mom wrote years ago. Mom has been gone since 1995, and yes, I still miss her terribly, but reading her book connected me to her all over again. Haha...not just when I look in the mirror.

Seriously, the time she took to write down family history for her descendants was a labor of love. Inside those pages I found precious stories of everyday life that made me laugh, cry, and thank God for my heritage.

So, now I'm wondering...what am I leaving for my descendants to read, to discover, about my everyday life in this generation? Am I keeping the connection alive so that lessons learned in the seasons of my life will not be wasted?

Seasons are one of God's way of teaching us patience while memories connect the dots of our lives.

Til next time .... MrsRitaMarie