Monday, July 18, 2011

Its true that I love food. Its also true that I can cook... in my way.  My grandma could cook, my mom could cook and even though I did not have the pleasure of meeting her, I'm told that my mother-in-law was a wonderful cook.

Cooking in their era was different. I remember my grandma never used measuring cups or spoons; instead she poured or shook a little into her hand and could tell by looking at it how much she had and needed. Now, THAT'S cooking. That plus stoking up the fire to get the temp correct. I'm mighty afraid my family would have starved had I been born during those times.

On occasion I cooked for a family of five when I was 15 years old, but my grandma was cooking for a big family all by herself when she was eight years old. She wins.

But then, I realize once again they lived in another season and needed abilities I have never found necessary; like how to make a fire to cook breakfast, or carry water from the nearest creek for doing the dishes. Reading their stories is inspiring to me, but personally, I am very happy to have been born exactly when I was.

I pray you are enjoying your season in life as much as I am. Trying to bloom where I'm planted instead of stinking the place up like a weed is sometimes a chore, but He is faithful to give me what I need to make my corner beautiful, even with frozen pizza.

Livin' in the season...

 Love this cookbook.... great recipes and lots of photos.

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