Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Seasons And Memories

This past week we had a family reunion - the first one we've held in about 15 years. Actually, some of us had to re-introduce ourselves. But it was fun catching up and meeting the next generation.  And, since one of my favorite hobbies is making movies, I put one together for the reunion using old pics collected from the family.  Folks were kind enough to delve into old albums and pull out a little history to share.

Some of the photos dated back to the early 1900's. Working with those old pictures was like taking a walk back through history and seeing my ancestors as real live people, not just names tossed around in old stories. I was amazed to find the similarities between many of them and myself.

The similarities were not only physical, as I discovered in an old hand written book my mom wrote years ago. Mom has been gone since 1995, and yes, I still miss her terribly, but reading her book connected me to her all over again. Haha...not just when I look in the mirror.

Seriously, the time she took to write down family history for her descendants was a labor of love. Inside those pages I found precious stories of everyday life that made me laugh, cry, and thank God for my heritage.

So, now I'm wondering...what am I leaving for my descendants to read, to discover, about my everyday life in this generation? Am I keeping the connection alive so that lessons learned in the seasons of my life will not be wasted?

Seasons are one of God's way of teaching us patience while memories connect the dots of our lives.

Til next time .... MrsRitaMarie