Saturday, September 18, 2010

Let Us Dance in the Sun...

Its been a lovely week for the Capt and me. My Indian Princess friend, Missus (she's southern Indian) Sajatey and her Sweetie came to visit. Notwithstanding the fact that I gained my customary five pounds while she was here, we had a great time playing on our laptops, swapping ideas and inspiring each other until the wee hours of the morning. All those late hours would be ever so much better if I could sleep til at least noon the next day, but alas, the guys "needed" us. :-) Which was also nice.....kinda.

My gift from Miz Sajatey was this beautiful picture you see in my post. It's a photo she took - a nice, simple photo of yellow flowers. However, she made it special with her personal touch. First, she created a background, then added text, framed it, presented it to me, and it became a treasure. A reminder of a friendship that I treasure. The inscription reads:


"Let us dance in the sun wearing wild flowers in our hair."  

What an uplifting thought! Of course when I read it to my daughter she immediately said, "Great idea. Do it and I'll come video you." But then, come to think of it, that would probably make a hit on You Tube. Two grandmas with wildflowers woven in their hair spinning and twirling in the sunshine in a meadow somewhere. I can see it now, things would be spinning and twirling that were never meant to spin and twirl. 

I do believe though, that every female who watched it, grandma or not, would want to dance with that abandonment. And why not? Being free to experience life is one of the great benefits of serving God. He came that we might have life and have it more abundantly. There are many opportunities in life to dwell on the on the sad things, but God's word encourages us to think on the lovely, the pure. He wants us to find the positive; to enjoy our time on this earth. To be serious does not always mean to be sad.

Thank you Miz Sajatey for once again reminding me that life is a great adventure; that it's never too late to dance; that it doesn't matter what spins and twirls. What matters is that we "do," that we live and that we take advantage of every opportunity to revel --"to take great pleasure in" God's amazing love and soak up His wonderful joy.

So, let us dance! It doesn't matter if you are a young girl, a mommie or a grandma, join me and let's dance and twirl and spin.  And oh, don't forget the wildflowers. See you in the meadow!

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things. Phil 4:8

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