another day older and deeper in debt. St Peter don't you call me, 'cause I can't go. I owe my soul to the company store.
Saturday was Market Day on the square in Newnan and if you were strolling through the vendor's tents with the rest of us, you were surely encouraged by the atmosphere, the buying and selling and the trading going on all around us. Spirits were high, the weather was beautiful and free enterprise was thriving! Ahhhh.... we Americans do love a good deal.
Days like that remind me that in all our progress and struggles, Americans are still pretty much the same as always. Kids still run ahead or tug on Mom's arm; dogs bark excitedly when they see a friend; the food smells are mouth watering and people talk to strangers like they were closest of friends. There are the sophisticated in their finer and the teens in their finest unfinery. We are who we are and all in all we haven't changed much over the years.
Don't you love the pink hair on this little girl? How wonderful the freedom to be who we are!
The pickers were on every corner.
Next was an elderly gentleman who looked like he should be selling fried chicken but instead he was comfortably sitting in the shade while folks poured over his beautiful handmade pottery.
Then there was the huge grill filled with the best smelling bar-b-que chicken in the entire universe! No joking - I wanted to pick a piece up right off the grill and let the sauce drip while I ate. Unfortunately, we missed his stand on our way out, so I didn't get their story, but he and his wife ran the stand by themselves and from the looks of things, they were having a very profitable day.
The chicken smelled so good, I had to post it twice!
So, OK, that was actually a mistake but what the heck - it did look yummy.
There appears to be no end to the things we come up with to pay our way in this world - everything from potato bags to baby dresses to blankets and of course fresh from the garden veggies. All in all, if you were walking through Newnan, GA, on Saturday morning you were aware that God's blessings are raining down on His people.
It's hard to pass up a good bag of pig skins!
In our economy, our spirituality, our finances, our family relationships, Americans are struggling. But days like Saturday remind me that we are still afloat in the best country in the world. Our values at the grassroots are strong and our determination is intact. We have battles, but we are looking to the One True God who holds us in the palm of His hand.
The last guy we saw summed it all up very nicely.
Lovin' the season and making the memories!
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