Photo Gallery

This little chapel at Calloway Gardens is beautiful inside and out. Very peaceful place.

Newnan JV

Me and is good.

Stairs somewhere in the N. GA mountains

We took this photo outside a hotel on our trip from WY to GA. Now I wish I had stayed outside longer to get more pics but I chickened out and ran inside to sit in the basement. Silly me - it all passed over us.

Ty's Heart ... well, his is actually a LOT bigger :-)

Pickin' on the square in Newnan

Old houses like this make me wonder who lived here and whether it was a happy house? I have decided this was definitely a happy place!

FL Sunset - no where near the ocean but still beautiful!

 Scenes from New Smyrna Beach.

These birds in FL will let you get really close before they fly. Makes for great photos.

Warming in the sun...right in my backyad

What is it about trains and train tracks that make me smile???

This barn had nothing to offer til I got low and included the weeds in the forefront. Nice, huh?

Yeah - the train track again...

Fresh veggies at the Market on the Square

This guy had the neatest expressions - no idea who he is, but like the pic!

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Inside the chapel