Monday, June 4, 2012


Some of you know that for several years we have been talking about selling our home and downsizing. It seems every time we get close something happens to change our mind. Well, apparently, this time it is for real.

We love having guests stay in our home; we love having people in for dinner and a good time of singing; and we love family get togethers.

In our new home, our guests may have a smaller room, a 'quaint' bathroom and overall live a little closer while they are with us, but we will have just as much fun being together. I love a house full of laughter and love. That will not change - just as much laughter and love but scrunched a bit into a smaller space.

The funny thing is, this time next month I may be posting how our house won't sell and we are ready to be done with all the showing - or not showing - as the case may be.

Who knows what this next season may bring? Whatever it is, I am certain the Lord has already made provision and paved the way. He's like that you know. Our steps are ordered of the Lord and it is our joy to follow Him.

Whatever season you are in at the moment, I pray it is full of joy!

Lovin' the season...

Our MLS# is 3238147 if you or someone you know may be interested.

1 comment:

Brent Porter said...

That's awesome! Very timely and encouraging. Thank you for sharing. Blessings