This morning I spent a couple of hours shut up in my bedroom sipping on coffee while I cried my way through a Hallmark movie. The Christmas Cottage was, "inspired by actual events" in Thomas Kinkade's early life. We all know that "inspired by actual events" leaves a lot of room for the writer's imagination, but this morning I chose to believe that the main points of the movie were absolutely true!
The story was actually written in honor of one of Thomas Kinkaid's mentors. Peter O'Toole portrays the mentor, Glen Weissler. The movie is set in 1977 during Christmas break when Thomas and his brother, Pat come home to find mom in financial trouble. Right away, it had me because these two young men were willing to put their lives aside to help mom. According to my limited research, that part of the movie is true and was the stepping stone to Kinkad's career as an artist.
Glen was an elderly gentleman who had a studio home on the edge of their property and over the years he and Thomas had become close. At the point of the movie, Thomas Kinkade had not yet become the "Painter of Light" as we know him today. His work was described as good drawings, but lacking heart.
In 1977, Glen Weissler was very old and plagued with crippling arthritis. Every time Thomas visited Glen, he would encourage the old artist to paint just one more time. This was next to impossible due to arthritis that had deformed Glen's hands. Still, over and over, Thomas and the rest of the cast insisted that he paint again. I felt really bad for the old guy and wanted to tell them to leave him alone. He was obviously close to death; let him die in peace already. But, that would not have been nearly so wonderful an ending.
You see, Glen did have one more painting in him. Even with his hands deformed and losing his grip on reality, the old artist had not yet fulfilled the last of his calling on this earth. He had been struggling with how to create on canvas a memorial to someone he loved. Over and over he tried to paint his pain, but it never satisfied him.
One evening Thomas goes to him and in tears thanks him for his friendship and help and pleads with him not to give up. He then lights a small candle and leaves it on the table. After he leaves, Glen, inspired by the small flame, picks up his brush and creates one last masterpiece.
Of course the next day is Christmas and the old man trudges through the snow all the way to the Kinkad cottage (OK, this part of the story is probably imagination, but it certainly brought more tears.).
He came to give this last work of art to the Kinkad family as a Christmas gift. The piece was a beautiful painting of fall leaves with the brilliance of the sky and the light flooding through. And then, with a gnarled arthritic hand he reached up and rubbed Thomas cheek and told him:
"Paint the light, Thomas, paint the light."
The old artist goes on to explain that leaves grow and become green and then turn colors and finally fall away. But the light .... the light is always there. Paint the light! He encouraged Thomas to look at the light and not the dark.
Thomas Kinkad went on to become known as the "Painter of Light." For years his paintings warmed and inspired the hearts of many people, including me. That revelation was dropped in his heart at the beginning of his career by someone who was only days away from going home. I find that incredibly encouraging.
Glen was old. He was weak and dying. Many days he could not talk intelligently. And yet, in that state, he was able to receive a revelation of light and pass it along to the next generation.
As long as we have breath, we have something to give.
Every good and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is n o variableness, neither shadow of turning. James 1:17
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Friday, September 21, 2012
Are You My Daddy?
Susanna fidgeted as she sat on the long wooden bench outside
the train depot. It had been a long day; one she would never forget. The events
of the past few hours were engrained on her heart and mind with deep crevices
running all through her person. Adopted. After waiting so long for a real
parent, someone had come and asked to take her. The strangest part was that she
never even saw them.
For as long as she could remember she had lived with others
who were without parents also. The lifestyle was a hard one with many bosses
and much work to do. Susanna had tried to be obedient but many times she was
harshly disciplined for even the smallest mistake. Oh, some of the people there
were nice and tried to help but they were not her real parents, she could never
forget that. It ate at her deep inside. In the night she would lie awake and
ponder her situation, wondering who her real daddy was and why she had to live
with all these other lost children. It was strange; she had no memory of her
life before this place. She had never met her daddy but deep inside she knew he
was not dead like they told her. She just knew it!
And then early one morning, right about the time the first
bird of the day began his song outside her window, right before she had to
start her day, right about that time, someone she had never seen before came to
tell her that things were changing. Susanna had looked around to see if any of
the other girls were awake but she was the only one. The messenger instructed
her to get up and dress and follow him. Susanna’s real father was calling for
And now, here she was, sitting on this long wooden bench
after an exciting train ride through the early morning hours. Susanna had no
idea who had paid her ticket and bought her food, but all was taken care of and
she had travelled very comfortably. Time ticked away and she tried ever so hard
to be patient but the suspense was unnerving. What would her new life be like?
Would there be a lot of work to be done like she was accustomed to? Or would
she be spoiled like the little girls she had seen with their mommies in the
stores? Girls who pouted and fussed over the smallest details.
Susanna did not think she would like being spoiled, at least
not for long. But a little while might be fun. Just to see what it felt like.
Mostly though she just wanted to meet her daddy. She wanted to sit in his lap
and listen to him tell her stories. Work did not bother her as long as she
could finally meet her real daddy.
The day wore on and Susanna began to feel tired and a tad
hungry. She watched the other passengers being met and taken away one by one
and still no one came for her. Was this some sort of cruel joke? Surely not!
She had been so hopeful that her time in the orphanage was finally over.
Susanna fidgeted and watched the birds flitting through the branches overhead.
The tree was extra beautiful to her today. Most likely it had stood over the
depot for many years, shading those who waited here. Susanna thought about
climbing that tree, wondering how the view would be from up high. After a while she grew tired of that
imagination and looked around for something else to occupy her anxious mind.
She found that if she would close her eyes very tightly and
listen she could almost tell whether it was a man or a woman walking behind
her. That distraction did not last long though since there were few people
about. The bench was carved here and there with initials, but Susanna had nothing
to carve with.
The sun rose higher in the sky and began peeking through the
branches, warming her back and bringing a peaceful comfort deep inside. Maybe
she would close her eyes for just a minute. Susanna was accustomed to rising
early and working, cleaning, obeying the bosses in whatever they instructed her
to do. She did not have free time to just sit during the day. Always there was
work to be done.
Susanna let her mind wander back to the messenger who had
brought her out of the orphanage. He was kind and gentle and she had
immediately trusted him, even though he was a large man and very strong. She
had felt his muscles when he picked her up and sat her on the train steps.
After that he had stood close by all during the train ride, protecting her –
from what she was not sure, but she was surely glad he was there. And then,
when she arrived here she could not find him although she somehow sensed he was
close by.
Susanna was getting tired of waiting, but she wasn’t afraid.
The adventure had captivated her heart and she was ready for whomever or
whatever came next. Across the train track she spied an open field with
wildflowers growing everywhere. Oranges, reds, even browns that were more
beautiful than any she had seen. Why had she not noticed them earlier? Susanna
wanted to run through and pick a big bouquet for her new daddy, but the
messenger had told her to wait here, so wait she would. Deep inside she knew something
wonderful was coming; something more awesome than she had ever experienced. And
so she was determined to wait. Squirming, shifting, and straining to see down
the road that ran alongside the track, her body fairly shook with anticipation
but she kept herself glued to the bench. Waiting…
Actually, waiting was more difficult than working back at
the orphanage. By now the other girls would be cleaning the floors and dusting
the furniture. There would be the sound of others outside sawing and nailing; building, there was always building. Susanna
had often wondered why so many came to live at the orphanage when the lifestyle
there was so difficult. Occasionally a few would leave but mostly they just
came and stayed and worked. And worked. Truthfully though, she would not mind a
little work right now. It would be easier than just sitting here.
Sighing, Susanna lay back against the warm bench and let the
midday breeze wash over her. Slowly she drifted into a peaceful sleep. Visions
of her new home and her new daddy filled her dreams. The day went on around her
with trains coming and going, passengers arriving and leaving with their loved
ones, until gradually all activity came to a stop. Suddenly Susanna sat
straight up. How long had she slept? The depot was deserted and quiet.
Susanna’s heart sank. Had she missed her meeting with her
daddy? Had he come and found her asleep and merely walked away without her? Her
throat closed up and her chest ached so badly she could barely breathe. Tears
filled her eyes as she stood and slowly looked around.
And then she saw him. He was standing just a little ways
off, watching her intently. But, this was a young man, not old enough to be her
daddy. For a moment they stared at each other and she found his eyes to be the
most beautiful she had ever seen. They were strangely familiar. Perhaps he was
related to the messenger who had brought her out of the orphanage. Either way,
his eyes were mesmerizing. Looking into them, Susanna realized he knew
everything there was to know about her. Her heart relaxed in his gaze and
snuggled down into the warmth she found there. After a few moments, the young
man stepped toward her.
Susanna dropped her head. “I thought I had missed you,” she whispered.
His reply came in a whisper also, “Dear Susanna. I have been
watching you rest; waiting for you to wake up. Do you think I have waited all
these years for you, just to leave you while you were napping? Your Father
understands you sometimes need rest.”
Then, gently, ever so gently, he took her hand. Not knowing
what was happening, but trusting him completely, she placed her hand in his.
“Are you my new daddy?” she asked. And then he smiled. His smile had the same effect on her as his
gaze had earlier. She could trust this man.
“No,” he replied, “but I will take you to meet him.”
Nodding, she fell into step alongside him.
“Who are you then?” she asked.
“I am your brother. And I will always be with you. From this
point forward I will never leave your side.”
Susanna was engulfed in the security of his voice and knew
deep in her heart that he was telling her the absolute truth. Oh, if only her
new daddy was going to be this wonderful. As if he could read her mind, the
young man spoke again.
“You do not need to worry, Susanna, our Father is exactly
like me. Actually, most people say if you’ve seen me, you’ve seen him.”
Suzanna stretched and slowly opened her eyes to her
surroundings. How strange it was to dream about her time years ago when her new
Father first called her out of the orphanage. It had been a long and exciting
adventure since then, and yet, in her dream it seemed like she was walking
through it all over again. Perhaps it was because she was in such a place of
change right now. After all this time, she should know to trust her daddy and
believe that he was taking care of things, but this latest change in her life
had brought many questions tumbling back into her heart. Oh, not questions
about his care, but questions about her ability to hear and understand his
“I suppose,” she
mumbled to herself,” that somewhere deep inside, I am still that little girl
waiting not so patiently on the wooden bench outside the train depot.”
Suzanna's travels continue...
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
The Gift of Fear
Is it even possible that God would give a 'gift of fear?'
Isaiah 45:7 says:
"I form the light and create darkness, I make peace and create calamity; I, the Lord, do all these things."
Earlier in the same chapter in verse four, the Lord says: "I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places. That you may know that I the Lord, who call you by your name, am the God of Israel."
I have been in my own darkness and felt fear in my life many times over. I would like to say I have always overcome but that just isn't the case. Often, I have tucked tail and run like a deer to safety. But that does not change the truth that His presence was and always is, able to cast out the fear and give me the courage to go forward. The times I have listened to Him and allowed that courage to rise up have been wonderful.
Not long ago I heard a sermon about being courageous and how you cannot be courageous unless you first have fear. I pondered that for a while then let it go. Then, one day this week I was talking aloud to God about my personal battle with fear when I heard a strange word in my spirit - 'your fear is my gift to you.'
The Lord instructs us to 'be courageous.' Being courageous means doing something even though you are afraid. If I am fearless, then walking into a situation is routine - just another day at the mill. But, if I have fear and yet choose to trust God and walk into that situation anyway, then I am an overcomer. The very fear that hinders me is also an instrument to making me courageous.
Perfect love casts out fear. If I had a dime for every time some "mature" believer quoted that one to me, I would be rich. I may be too simple, but if I understand that passage correctly, John's subject is love. The love of Jesus who died for us leaving no room for fear of judgement.
So, today I suggest that perhaps, just perhaps, your fear is a gift from God. An obstacle to be overcome with and through His perfect love. And when you have overcome you will have created one more place of worship to God the Father. The glory of His presence in that place where fear once reigned will create a deeper worship of Him. It is one more way of creating an atmosphere of worship.
The sin is not in the fearing, the sin is in letting the fear control you.
No fear, no courage. Either I am His or I am not His. And if I am His, then I am fully His. He ordains my steps and allows the obstacles I need to become courageous in Him. Not in my own strength but in His. He only allows trials where he has already made provision for winning and He never sets me up for failure. The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty!
Isaiah 45:7 says:
"I form the light and create darkness, I make peace and create calamity; I, the Lord, do all these things."
Earlier in the same chapter in verse four, the Lord says: "I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places. That you may know that I the Lord, who call you by your name, am the God of Israel."
I have been in my own darkness and felt fear in my life many times over. I would like to say I have always overcome but that just isn't the case. Often, I have tucked tail and run like a deer to safety. But that does not change the truth that His presence was and always is, able to cast out the fear and give me the courage to go forward. The times I have listened to Him and allowed that courage to rise up have been wonderful.
Not long ago I heard a sermon about being courageous and how you cannot be courageous unless you first have fear. I pondered that for a while then let it go. Then, one day this week I was talking aloud to God about my personal battle with fear when I heard a strange word in my spirit - 'your fear is my gift to you.'
The Lord instructs us to 'be courageous.' Being courageous means doing something even though you are afraid. If I am fearless, then walking into a situation is routine - just another day at the mill. But, if I have fear and yet choose to trust God and walk into that situation anyway, then I am an overcomer. The very fear that hinders me is also an instrument to making me courageous.
Perfect love casts out fear. If I had a dime for every time some "mature" believer quoted that one to me, I would be rich. I may be too simple, but if I understand that passage correctly, John's subject is love. The love of Jesus who died for us leaving no room for fear of judgement.
So, today I suggest that perhaps, just perhaps, your fear is a gift from God. An obstacle to be overcome with and through His perfect love. And when you have overcome you will have created one more place of worship to God the Father. The glory of His presence in that place where fear once reigned will create a deeper worship of Him. It is one more way of creating an atmosphere of worship.
The sin is not in the fearing, the sin is in letting the fear control you.
No fear, no courage. Either I am His or I am not His. And if I am His, then I am fully His. He ordains my steps and allows the obstacles I need to become courageous in Him. Not in my own strength but in His. He only allows trials where he has already made provision for winning and He never sets me up for failure. The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty!
Sunday, July 8, 2012
We Are Alive and Well in Newnan, GA!
July 4th has come and gone once again and America is another year older. It reminds me of the old Tennessee Ernie Ford song:
Deeper in debt and fewer jobs to pay the debt; that is our reality in America. As unsettling as that is, my post today is about the other side of the story.
Saturday was Market Day on the square in Newnan and if you were strolling through the vendor's tents with the rest of us, you were surely encouraged by the atmosphere, the buying and selling and the trading going on all around us. Spirits were high, the weather was beautiful and free enterprise was thriving! Ahhhh.... we Americans do love a good deal.
Days like that remind me that in all our progress and struggles, Americans are still pretty much the same as always. Kids still run ahead or tug on Mom's arm; dogs bark excitedly when they see a friend; the food smells are mouth watering and people talk to strangers like they were closest of friends. There are the sophisticated in their finer and the teens in their finest unfinery. We are who we are and all in all we haven't changed much over the years.
Don't you love the pink hair on this little girl? How wonderful the freedom to be who we are!
The pickers were on every corner.
One of the merchants we talked with was a young man probably in his early 60's, selling homemade salsa. Very good homemade salsa I might add. He explained it has a green pepper base rather than the traditional tomato base. He assured me I would like it, which I did and had to have a jar. I asked if he made it himself and of course he did. He cooks it in small batches and brings it down to sell. I wondered how he got into making salsa to sell. Turns out, he lost his job and had to find another source of income. I immediately wanted to buy more salsa - just because. Well, just because he refused to lay down and quit.
Next was an elderly gentleman who looked like he should be selling fried chicken but instead he was comfortably sitting in the shade while folks poured over his beautiful handmade pottery.
Then there was the huge grill filled with the best smelling bar-b-que chicken in the entire universe! No joking - I wanted to pick a piece up right off the grill and let the sauce drip while I ate. Unfortunately, we missed his stand on our way out, so I didn't get their story, but he and his wife ran the stand by themselves and from the looks of things, they were having a very profitable day.
The chicken smelled so good, I had to post it twice!
So, OK, that was actually a mistake but what the heck - it did look yummy.
There appears to be no end to the things we come up with to pay our way in this world - everything from potato bags to baby dresses to blankets and of course fresh from the garden veggies. All in all, if you were walking through Newnan, GA, on Saturday morning you were aware that God's blessings are raining down on His people.
It's hard to pass up a good bag of pig skins!
In our economy, our spirituality, our finances, our family relationships, Americans are struggling. But days like Saturday remind me that we are still afloat in the best country in the world. Our values at the grassroots are strong and our determination is intact. We have battles, but we are looking to the One True God who holds us in the palm of His hand.
The last guy we saw summed it all up very nicely.
another day older and deeper in debt. St Peter don't you call me, 'cause I can't go. I owe my soul to the company store.
Saturday was Market Day on the square in Newnan and if you were strolling through the vendor's tents with the rest of us, you were surely encouraged by the atmosphere, the buying and selling and the trading going on all around us. Spirits were high, the weather was beautiful and free enterprise was thriving! Ahhhh.... we Americans do love a good deal.
Days like that remind me that in all our progress and struggles, Americans are still pretty much the same as always. Kids still run ahead or tug on Mom's arm; dogs bark excitedly when they see a friend; the food smells are mouth watering and people talk to strangers like they were closest of friends. There are the sophisticated in their finer and the teens in their finest unfinery. We are who we are and all in all we haven't changed much over the years.
Don't you love the pink hair on this little girl? How wonderful the freedom to be who we are!
The pickers were on every corner.
Next was an elderly gentleman who looked like he should be selling fried chicken but instead he was comfortably sitting in the shade while folks poured over his beautiful handmade pottery.
Then there was the huge grill filled with the best smelling bar-b-que chicken in the entire universe! No joking - I wanted to pick a piece up right off the grill and let the sauce drip while I ate. Unfortunately, we missed his stand on our way out, so I didn't get their story, but he and his wife ran the stand by themselves and from the looks of things, they were having a very profitable day.
The chicken smelled so good, I had to post it twice!
So, OK, that was actually a mistake but what the heck - it did look yummy.
There appears to be no end to the things we come up with to pay our way in this world - everything from potato bags to baby dresses to blankets and of course fresh from the garden veggies. All in all, if you were walking through Newnan, GA, on Saturday morning you were aware that God's blessings are raining down on His people.
It's hard to pass up a good bag of pig skins!
In our economy, our spirituality, our finances, our family relationships, Americans are struggling. But days like Saturday remind me that we are still afloat in the best country in the world. Our values at the grassroots are strong and our determination is intact. We have battles, but we are looking to the One True God who holds us in the palm of His hand.
The last guy we saw summed it all up very nicely.
Lovin' the season and making the memories!
Monday, June 4, 2012
Some of you know that for several years we have been talking about selling our home and downsizing. It seems every time we get close something happens to change our mind. Well, apparently, this time it is for real.
We love having guests stay in our home; we love having people in for dinner and a good time of singing; and we love family get togethers.
In our new home, our guests may have a smaller room, a 'quaint' bathroom and overall live a little closer while they are with us, but we will have just as much fun being together. I love a house full of laughter and love. That will not change - just as much laughter and love but scrunched a bit into a smaller space.
The funny thing is, this time next month I may be posting how our house won't sell and we are ready to be done with all the showing - or not showing - as the case may be.
Who knows what this next season may bring? Whatever it is, I am certain the Lord has already made provision and paved the way. He's like that you know. Our steps are ordered of the Lord and it is our joy to follow Him.
Whatever season you are in at the moment, I pray it is full of joy!
Lovin' the season...
Our MLS# is 3238147 if you or someone you know may be interested.
We love having guests stay in our home; we love having people in for dinner and a good time of singing; and we love family get togethers.
In our new home, our guests may have a smaller room, a 'quaint' bathroom and overall live a little closer while they are with us, but we will have just as much fun being together. I love a house full of laughter and love. That will not change - just as much laughter and love but scrunched a bit into a smaller space.
The funny thing is, this time next month I may be posting how our house won't sell and we are ready to be done with all the showing - or not showing - as the case may be.
Who knows what this next season may bring? Whatever it is, I am certain the Lord has already made provision and paved the way. He's like that you know. Our steps are ordered of the Lord and it is our joy to follow Him.
Whatever season you are in at the moment, I pray it is full of joy!
Lovin' the season...
Our MLS# is 3238147 if you or someone you know may be interested.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
I have a new 'do.' Not just a normal do, but a drastic OMG you are bald, one. I wore my hair similar to this years ago and it looked pretty good. So, I was thinking how cute and pixie I looked with it all cut off. My little thin face was all glowy and my eyes were sparkly, so why not do that again?
OMG!!! I am all face!! My not so sparkly eyes are hard to find with all the droopy around the edges and the red hair is mostly grey/white. I have had mixed reviews on it. Royce says he likes it, but occasionally when I enter the room unexpectedly he starts to laugh. Is that a good sign? Probably not. Actually, he thought I had it colored until I explained that when I cut the red off all the underneath was white. All he said was oh...
Not sure why I'm telling y'all this; it has no significance in the overall scheme of things, except to remind me that those who love me also love my big face. They accept me and though they may call me a man right to my face, (you know who you are), they really do have my back. Ok, I admit, I said that to you first.
The upside is, I can dry and style it in about ten minutes flat. I don't even need a brush really - just a tousle will do. And hair products will most likely last me years since I can only use a teeny tiny dab each time.
My new hair freedom is just one more thing I am excited about in my life these days. It is wonderful to have time to do the things you dream about when you are young. And yes, it is good that I have more free time because things tend to take longer than before.
So, take my advice, love your life and enjoy the people who love you because one day you may have a new do that makes you look like a man and you will appreciate those who laugh with you and not at you. You will be glad you kept their secrets; prayed with and for them; stood with them and loved them through it all. They will owe you.
"Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you, I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you." Isaiah 46: 4
Lovin' the season...
OMG!!! I am all face!! My not so sparkly eyes are hard to find with all the droopy around the edges and the red hair is mostly grey/white. I have had mixed reviews on it. Royce says he likes it, but occasionally when I enter the room unexpectedly he starts to laugh. Is that a good sign? Probably not. Actually, he thought I had it colored until I explained that when I cut the red off all the underneath was white. All he said was oh...
Not sure why I'm telling y'all this; it has no significance in the overall scheme of things, except to remind me that those who love me also love my big face. They accept me and though they may call me a man right to my face, (you know who you are), they really do have my back. Ok, I admit, I said that to you first.
The upside is, I can dry and style it in about ten minutes flat. I don't even need a brush really - just a tousle will do. And hair products will most likely last me years since I can only use a teeny tiny dab each time.
My new hair freedom is just one more thing I am excited about in my life these days. It is wonderful to have time to do the things you dream about when you are young. And yes, it is good that I have more free time because things tend to take longer than before.
So, take my advice, love your life and enjoy the people who love you because one day you may have a new do that makes you look like a man and you will appreciate those who laugh with you and not at you. You will be glad you kept their secrets; prayed with and for them; stood with them and loved them through it all. They will owe you.
"Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you, I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you." Isaiah 46: 4
Lovin' the season...
Monday, May 28, 2012
Facing the Son
There is something so peaceful about flowers basking in the morning sunshine. I love the way their leaves stretch and lean to get as much of the sunshine as possible. They bloom on the side where the sun is, their leaves are fuller and greener on that side. The sun brings life.
So, I am certain you know where I am going here. Yep - it reminds me of God's 'flowers' straining and stretching to bask in the light of the Son's love. I suppose some people call it worship; some call it soaking; but me, I just call it 'being'. Being in Him; loving and being loved by Him. Our leaves are fuller, our fruit is more abundant, our minds and souls are peaceful and while we are in that state of basking and soaking in Him, all is right with the world.
Normally, our situations are pretty much the same when we come to ourselves and return to our daily routines here on this earth. But the thing is: we are changed. We never spend time in his presence without being changed. While we sit calmly in His presence, He gives us what we need to handle and overcome the things that moments before threatened to overwhelm us. Am I alone here or does that amaze anyone else? Only one look; one word; one touch from Him and strength flows right into us. Ideas and solutions become clear. Direction is understood. He really is all we need.
And the beauty is, if we need more - there is plenty. If we are drained fifteen minutes later we can return. There is enough for everyone. Gradually, the more time we spend with him, the more strength we retain. The bubble lingers longer and longer each time.
Remember that song: "Got any rivers you think are uncrossable? Our God specializes in things called impossible." It's true. He hasn't changed. Come, sit a while with Him and let His love envelop you and wash away all that pain and confusion life puts on you.
Let's make this day and this season brighter by lingering in His Sonshine.
So, I am certain you know where I am going here. Yep - it reminds me of God's 'flowers' straining and stretching to bask in the light of the Son's love. I suppose some people call it worship; some call it soaking; but me, I just call it 'being'. Being in Him; loving and being loved by Him. Our leaves are fuller, our fruit is more abundant, our minds and souls are peaceful and while we are in that state of basking and soaking in Him, all is right with the world.
Normally, our situations are pretty much the same when we come to ourselves and return to our daily routines here on this earth. But the thing is: we are changed. We never spend time in his presence without being changed. While we sit calmly in His presence, He gives us what we need to handle and overcome the things that moments before threatened to overwhelm us. Am I alone here or does that amaze anyone else? Only one look; one word; one touch from Him and strength flows right into us. Ideas and solutions become clear. Direction is understood. He really is all we need.
And the beauty is, if we need more - there is plenty. If we are drained fifteen minutes later we can return. There is enough for everyone. Gradually, the more time we spend with him, the more strength we retain. The bubble lingers longer and longer each time.
Remember that song: "Got any rivers you think are uncrossable? Our God specializes in things called impossible." It's true. He hasn't changed. Come, sit a while with Him and let His love envelop you and wash away all that pain and confusion life puts on you.
Let's make this day and this season brighter by lingering in His Sonshine.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Say What????
"When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things." I Cor. 13:11
Giving authority to a child above his level of maturity is dangerous. If we understand this principle in the natural, why would we not believe God understands the same thing? Understanding and recognizing God's voice is a wonderful gift; it is also one that increases and develops as we walk with Him. Our seasons change and each new season brings us to a new level of commitment, birthed out of what he did for us in our last season.
Early on in my walk with God, I became involved in a prayer and Bible study with a group of other young Christians. Some of us thought we could empty the hospitals, raise the dead, rebuke every demon on earth and leap tall buildings with a single bound; all with one word from our anointed lips. I remember one outing to the local nursing home when one of the guys tried to get every aged person there up and walking. It was downright embarrassing to watch. These folks were in their 90's. They were feeble, sickly and just plain tired. But there he was anyway, commanding them to walk. Most just looked at him, but the sad ones were those who tried their best to stand, only to fall back into the wheelchair.
Of course God could have easily spoken through this person and cleaned out the nursing home. But - my question is: 'did God speak to that end at that particular time?' Apparently not, since we left them sitting where we found them. Many with a little more disappointment in their day, instead of an increased understanding of God's love. Perhaps this guy's relationship with Jesus was not quite equal to the level of his enthusiasm?
Often when I think on my relationship with Jesus, I am able to compare it to my marriage. I know my husband and most of the time I understand what he wants when he asks something of me. Thinking back, however, I realize it hasn't always been this way. I remember times when we were first married that I needed an interpreter for many of our conversations. Of course it wasn't always what or how he spoke as much as how I heard him.
Down through the years, with God's help, I have been able to sort out a few things in myself that caused me to misinterpret my husband's meaning. At this point in our marriage I often find myself acting as an interpreter for him to other people. If you are married, you probably know the drill: "what he meant to say was etc etc..." Hmmmm...I wonder at what point it went from asking what he meant to explaining what he meant????
Listening, really listening to the heart that is speaking makes all the difference. I can now more easily decipher what my husband means because I have learned more of his heart. Isn't that how it is with the Lord? The longer we know Him and the more time we spend with Him, the more we are able to hear the intent of his heart. As we grow and mature in Him we get past thinking we know everything and start to realize we must listen closely to the heart of God in his words. Slowly, we realize that God really is Love. We begin to understand just a little of his reasoning and his motives.
Personally, I believe the better we know Him, the more authority he allows us in prayer and declaration. Of course, if we really want to know him better, we must come deeper into surrender. To do that, we must fall deeper in love with Him. Can we really surrender to someone we do not love? Someone we don't know?
Again, I think of my earthly marriage. The more time I spend with my husband the deeper my love for him grows. The more I love him and understand his heart, the more I trust him.
It always comes back to that, doesn't it? God is Love; and because He loved he gave his Son. The same should be true of every action we make on his behalf. Every gift; every offering; every move made for him should always be birthed in Love.
"And now abide faith, hope, love, these three: but the greatest of these is love." I Co 13:14
Enjoying the season and making memories....
Giving authority to a child above his level of maturity is dangerous. If we understand this principle in the natural, why would we not believe God understands the same thing? Understanding and recognizing God's voice is a wonderful gift; it is also one that increases and develops as we walk with Him. Our seasons change and each new season brings us to a new level of commitment, birthed out of what he did for us in our last season.
Early on in my walk with God, I became involved in a prayer and Bible study with a group of other young Christians. Some of us thought we could empty the hospitals, raise the dead, rebuke every demon on earth and leap tall buildings with a single bound; all with one word from our anointed lips. I remember one outing to the local nursing home when one of the guys tried to get every aged person there up and walking. It was downright embarrassing to watch. These folks were in their 90's. They were feeble, sickly and just plain tired. But there he was anyway, commanding them to walk. Most just looked at him, but the sad ones were those who tried their best to stand, only to fall back into the wheelchair.
Of course God could have easily spoken through this person and cleaned out the nursing home. But - my question is: 'did God speak to that end at that particular time?' Apparently not, since we left them sitting where we found them. Many with a little more disappointment in their day, instead of an increased understanding of God's love. Perhaps this guy's relationship with Jesus was not quite equal to the level of his enthusiasm?
Often when I think on my relationship with Jesus, I am able to compare it to my marriage. I know my husband and most of the time I understand what he wants when he asks something of me. Thinking back, however, I realize it hasn't always been this way. I remember times when we were first married that I needed an interpreter for many of our conversations. Of course it wasn't always what or how he spoke as much as how I heard him.
Down through the years, with God's help, I have been able to sort out a few things in myself that caused me to misinterpret my husband's meaning. At this point in our marriage I often find myself acting as an interpreter for him to other people. If you are married, you probably know the drill: "what he meant to say was etc etc..." Hmmmm...I wonder at what point it went from asking what he meant to explaining what he meant????
Listening, really listening to the heart that is speaking makes all the difference. I can now more easily decipher what my husband means because I have learned more of his heart. Isn't that how it is with the Lord? The longer we know Him and the more time we spend with Him, the more we are able to hear the intent of his heart. As we grow and mature in Him we get past thinking we know everything and start to realize we must listen closely to the heart of God in his words. Slowly, we realize that God really is Love. We begin to understand just a little of his reasoning and his motives.
Personally, I believe the better we know Him, the more authority he allows us in prayer and declaration. Of course, if we really want to know him better, we must come deeper into surrender. To do that, we must fall deeper in love with Him. Can we really surrender to someone we do not love? Someone we don't know?
Again, I think of my earthly marriage. The more time I spend with my husband the deeper my love for him grows. The more I love him and understand his heart, the more I trust him.
It always comes back to that, doesn't it? God is Love; and because He loved he gave his Son. The same should be true of every action we make on his behalf. Every gift; every offering; every move made for him should always be birthed in Love.
"And now abide faith, hope, love, these three: but the greatest of these is love." I Co 13:14
Enjoying the season and making memories....
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Ping Pong Balls and Crochet Hooks!!!
My excitement for this week is my new laptop has been shipped! I use my laptop a lot; every day; sometimes hours a day. So, to have a new baby really makes me happy! The flip side is, I now must clean off and back up all the files, programs, photos, movies and articles on my now old laptop.
Which brings me to another thought. Just how many projects do I actually have going at the moment? Hummm.... four, no wait, five movies, a family cookbook, an afghan to crochet, a book in progress that I want to publish as an "E" book, a video of our testimony I want to edit, a photo trip being planned with some friends, and in the midst of it all preparing our house for selling.
My next question is, why do I do this to myself? Would it not be easier to finish one project before starting four more? Probably, but not nearly so interesting. My brain may very well have ping pong balls in it. I cannot seem to focus on one project for more than a few days before the balls start jumping around inside saying, "but wait! What about doing THIS? or maybe THAT? or heck, why not just quit and play BeJeweled a while!
Which is exactly why I am writing this blog - the balls are jumping after a few days of cleaning off and backing up files. They want excitement - fresh meat - new scenery. Is this normal? Does anyone else have a million unfinished projects in various stages, just waiting for your attention?
Is there a spiritual principle here? I don't think so - I think its just those darn balls ... jumping, jumping, always jumping!!!!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Saturday Lazies
For years I worked a full time job and helped run a business while raising a family, keeping a home and running...always running. At this season of my life I have the luxury of relaxing on Saturday. No housework screams at me; no clothes demand washing; no taxi is needed to keep up with the many schedules of a busy home.
I suppose some people find it a bit daunting to have so much spare time. Perhaps some even feel a bit left out with no one tugging at their shirtsleeve, but me, I love it!! I paid my dues, I did my time, I loved it and the memories make my heart warm. BUT - this season of my life is peaceful, fulfilled and warm.
My hat tips to those of you still in the mainstream - I feel your pain. I also feel you joy! I hope you live to the fullest, hug your babies every day, sing a song just because you can and eat lots of chocolate! And in the midst of all your errands and duties, remember to thank the Lord that you have the energy and the wherewithal to live and love.
And oh, do not, do not, forget to love yourself. You are God's precious gift to your family, your friends, and to the body of Christ! You are unique, one of a kind, and special made to order for your life. No one can ever take your place or fill your shoes!
And above all, know that you are loved.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Dig Baby Dig
The kingdom of Heaven is compared to a treasure; a hidden treasure that is found in a field, and then hidden again and then bought. Not only is the treasure bought, but also the entire field where it was hidden.
So, are we the treasure or is Jesus the treasure?
Matt 13:44 .. The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.
You are a treasure;
I am a treasure;
Jesus is a treasure.
That's pretty awesome stuff for a Wednesday morning. Most of the devotionals I read based on that passage show Jesus as the treasure and mankind digging and finding Him and then he becomes our treasure so much so that we sell all we have to buy him.
It is true, I had been seeking and looking for several years before I 'discovered' Jesus and His amazing love. My life was a gigantic train wreck with no hope of survival before I looked up and surrendered. It took several more years before I surrendered everything to Him....well, in some ways I am still surrendering all to him. It seems to be a process here.
On the other hand, I believe that Jesus 'found' me in the field of the world and sold everything He had including his own life to buy me. He not only bought me and you, but the entire world. It is impossible to grasp that one drop of His blood can cure the ills and problems of this entire earth.
I believe that I am a treasure to Him. I believe that He found me, then hid himself and worked from that place of secrecy for several years before I even knew He was around. Otherwise I would never have wanted to search for Him. I would never have decided on my own to go looking for Jesus. That just was not in me.
And so, this morning I say to you:
You are a treasure! A beautiful treasure that God himself sold all to purchase. You are precious to Him and to the Father. Your value is beyond earthly words and He will do all in His unlimited power to keep you safe.
It is often called relationship, or salvation, or surrender .. but it is most definitely called Love!
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
John 3: 16-17
So, from one treasure to another: Have a wonderful day and know that your price is high. Let your standards be likewise.
Lovin' the season and making memories.
So, are we the treasure or is Jesus the treasure?
Matt 13:44 .. The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.
You are a treasure;
I am a treasure;
Jesus is a treasure.
That's pretty awesome stuff for a Wednesday morning. Most of the devotionals I read based on that passage show Jesus as the treasure and mankind digging and finding Him and then he becomes our treasure so much so that we sell all we have to buy him.
It is true, I had been seeking and looking for several years before I 'discovered' Jesus and His amazing love. My life was a gigantic train wreck with no hope of survival before I looked up and surrendered. It took several more years before I surrendered everything to Him....well, in some ways I am still surrendering all to him. It seems to be a process here.
On the other hand, I believe that Jesus 'found' me in the field of the world and sold everything He had including his own life to buy me. He not only bought me and you, but the entire world. It is impossible to grasp that one drop of His blood can cure the ills and problems of this entire earth.
I believe that I am a treasure to Him. I believe that He found me, then hid himself and worked from that place of secrecy for several years before I even knew He was around. Otherwise I would never have wanted to search for Him. I would never have decided on my own to go looking for Jesus. That just was not in me.
And so, this morning I say to you:
You are a treasure! A beautiful treasure that God himself sold all to purchase. You are precious to Him and to the Father. Your value is beyond earthly words and He will do all in His unlimited power to keep you safe.
It is often called relationship, or salvation, or surrender .. but it is most definitely called Love!
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
John 3: 16-17
So, from one treasure to another: Have a wonderful day and know that your price is high. Let your standards be likewise.
Lovin' the season and making memories.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Easter Eggs and Two Edged Swords
Easter has come and gone for this year leaving me way overboard on my Weight Watcher's points. It has also left me full of gratitude for all the Lord has done for me over the years. Of course with a family the size of ours, it is rare that everyone can be here at the same time, but looking around at the family members we were fortunate to have with us yesterday was a feast to my eyes and my heart.
Like any family, we have our problems, our struggles and our conflicts. Occasionally we struggle with one another but more often we struggle together against a common foe. Life is busy for most of us and time together is hard to come by. But this morning I am aware that above it all stands Jesus with his arms outstretched. A calmness washes away pressures and worries. He is here with us and all is well. Underneath really are the Everlasting Arms.
For me, the trick is to try and live according to the spirit as opposed to the soul. Don't get me wrong, I love laughing and playing and enjoying life with my heart and mind wide open to my surroundings. But getting into the soulish realm with all its emotions and sentimentality when it comes to serious life matters can wreck a person. Looking through the eyes of my feelings puts too much responsibility on me to 'fix' things. Looking through His eyes and His Word makes life do-able again.
Maybe what I am trying to say is: I will take all the good emotions and feelings that come from living in this world surrounded by people I love. I will soak up all the happiness my soul can hold during those times. But the depressing stuff that comes from my mind and the enemy... I think I will pass on those and look unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of my faith. I choose to walk after the Spirit and accept his take on the matter.
Is that cop-out theology? Nope - that, my friend, is just plain good sense.
For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword; piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Heb 4:11-13
He knows my heart and He is faithful. Isn't that all I really need to know?
I hope your weekend was as enjoyable as mine.
Loving the season and making the memories...
Sunday, April 1, 2012
It's Not About The Fire...
Have you ever noticed how time dims some memories but others only grow more vibrant? Is it just me, or do the lessons learned in the school of the Holy Ghost seem to enlarge and deepen over time?
True to his nature, Jesus has brought a new level to my understanding about our walk through the darkness. A few weeks back, someone graciously offered to video our testimony and put it on DVD. As we prepared our hearts and minds for telling the story again, the Lord dropped a new word in our heart:
"It isn't about the fire; it is about Jesus in the fire."
Twelve years have passed and God has healed in many ways. In fact, we had to read our own book to remember some of the details. The flesh heals, the soul heals, the memories dim in our hearts and minds of the daily struggles we faced. But the lessons learned in the Spirit grow stronger as time passes. The revelations God brought to us during that time have made a life changing impact on all of us.
His message to me today is clear. No matter what tragedy or pain we walk through in this life, no matter the loss, God is big enough to heal our hearts and strengthen us again . At times He calls us home, at times He heals, at times He leaves reminders of our physical or emotional pain - but the real treasure is what He accomplishes in our spirit.
It isn't about the fire - whatever our 'fire' may be - but it is about the truth that Jesus is in that fire with us. He walks with us through every second and never leaves our side. His grace, love and strength hold us in ways that are not humanly possible and not understood in human words. Even during those times when we are not aware of His presence; not realizing His grace and love are holding us; even then He is there.
...and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world. Amen Matthew 28:20 (b)
The understandings Jesus worked in our hearts during that time have become an integral part of our belief system. Royce often says it is the worst and the best thing that ever happened to him. His revelations of God's love have changed the way he looks at life. My revelation of Jesus as my Friend is just one of the many treasures deposited in my heart. These things that were taught by the Spirit in the dark places will never fade.
He is not a man that He should lie. He speaks truth and then He proves it. He is wonderful and faithful beyond all human understanding. How wonderful!!! No one, including me, wants or enjoys traveling through dark times. The pain is at times unbearable. The healing takes a long time both physically and emotionally. But the end result is a closer walk with the Lover of our souls.
True to his nature, Jesus has brought a new level to my understanding about our walk through the darkness. A few weeks back, someone graciously offered to video our testimony and put it on DVD. As we prepared our hearts and minds for telling the story again, the Lord dropped a new word in our heart:
"It isn't about the fire; it is about Jesus in the fire."
Twelve years have passed and God has healed in many ways. In fact, we had to read our own book to remember some of the details. The flesh heals, the soul heals, the memories dim in our hearts and minds of the daily struggles we faced. But the lessons learned in the Spirit grow stronger as time passes. The revelations God brought to us during that time have made a life changing impact on all of us.
His message to me today is clear. No matter what tragedy or pain we walk through in this life, no matter the loss, God is big enough to heal our hearts and strengthen us again . At times He calls us home, at times He heals, at times He leaves reminders of our physical or emotional pain - but the real treasure is what He accomplishes in our spirit.
It isn't about the fire - whatever our 'fire' may be - but it is about the truth that Jesus is in that fire with us. He walks with us through every second and never leaves our side. His grace, love and strength hold us in ways that are not humanly possible and not understood in human words. Even during those times when we are not aware of His presence; not realizing His grace and love are holding us; even then He is there.
...and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world. Amen Matthew 28:20 (b)
The understandings Jesus worked in our hearts during that time have become an integral part of our belief system. Royce often says it is the worst and the best thing that ever happened to him. His revelations of God's love have changed the way he looks at life. My revelation of Jesus as my Friend is just one of the many treasures deposited in my heart. These things that were taught by the Spirit in the dark places will never fade.
He is not a man that He should lie. He speaks truth and then He proves it. He is wonderful and faithful beyond all human understanding. How wonderful!!! No one, including me, wants or enjoys traveling through dark times. The pain is at times unbearable. The healing takes a long time both physically and emotionally. But the end result is a closer walk with the Lover of our souls.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Those of you who know me personally will probably find this difficult to believe, but I really am not a socializer...unless that is, I am with my people, those who get me or who love me even though they don't get me.
But strangers, not so much. A few years back I received an invitation to a social gathering with some ladies I barely knew. In an effort to be sociable I decided to attend.
Soooooo..... I cooked my favorite pound cake - bought my little gift - donned the appropriate outfit and headed out. O goodness!! What a mistake. The ice sickles were enough to churn ice cream on a hot day. You know that moment when you speak and someone nods and smiles vaguely while looking around for someone else to speak to. Well, about the tenth time that happened I got the message; found my purse and slipped out the door, leaving my pound cake and gift behind. I would like to say it did not really bother me, but it did. Actually, it took a while to get over my feelings of being shunned. One thing it did teach me though: do not go to every party you have an invite to.
Over the years I have learned that it is OK if not everyone likes me - even my brothers and sisters in Christ. When the Lord saved me in 1979 I was a single mom - a divorcee - with three children. Finding Jesus was the single most amazing thing ever in my entire life. (Followed in importance by my children and my wonderful husband - but that is another story) Anyway, after the Lord poured his love, grace and compassion over me, I expected everyone who knew Him to love me as well.
Again: shocker! Not so. The women were suspicious of me; the men were afraid to be nice because the women were suspicious. I finally found a group of singles and a few married people who accepted me, but overall my first few years as a Christian were a little lonely. Not lonely enough to make me turn back though - no way! I had found the Love of my life and nothing and no one was going to discourage me from following him.
At this point in my Christian walk, I have developed many wonderful friendships that are fulfilling and strengthening, but lately there have been a few encounters reminding me not everyone likes me; agrees with me nor wants to spend time with me. For a while this was heavy on my heart. I kept asking the Lord to help me be a better friend; to be more compassionate; more understanding and helpful. Then one day He dropped a verse into my heart that made everything OK again.
Wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved. Eph 1:6
Accepted. As I let that word soak into my heart I was reminded of a family gathering. Some family members do not click as well as others. They smile and hug and say all the right things but some of the brothers and sisters, uncles, aunts, cousins, in-laws, just do not 'get' each other. Personalities sometimes rub on one another.
But this is the thing: the father of that family loves them all. Speak to any parent and they will admit some of the family members rub each other; ideas and lifestyles may be different; but the parent loves each one the same.
And so it is with our Heavenly Father. He has made me accepted in the family. It is OK if I think differently; act differently than some of the others. It is OK if they do not enjoy spending time with me and if I choose my computer over their company. Of course they have to love me and I them; but I am speaking of liking; of sharing ideas and goals and humor: all the little things that make up this life. It is OK because the Father loves me and them.
Can I explain what that verse does to my heart? I am accepted in the beloved by the head of the family. I have a place. I am loved. I am considered right with the Father through the blood of His son. The Father has accepted me.
Today I am walking in His love and while I pray he continues to work on my shortcomings; I know He loves me with that wonderful Fatherly love that makes me want to sit in his lap and listen to His words. It is there I am safe.
generally approved; usually regarded as normal, right...
Normal.....does that really say normal??????? That could be a stretch.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Combat and Its Rewards
Last week we attended the funeral for a young man we have known since he was in high school. We have enjoyed seeing him in baseball uniforms, football uniforms and finally in the Air Force Captain's uniform. He was an outstanding man who walked and lived in a way that brought a smile to faces. He lived His relationship with Christ visibly and his strength in God was admirable. His death was a tragic loss to his wife, his family, his community and to the body of Christ on this earth. The Lord took him home in the middle of his tour of duty for this country, but his tour of duty for God is just beginning.
The ceremony closed with a time for each active military person in attendance to pay their final respects. The congregation watched solemnly as each of them approached the casket, saluted, then stood quietly for a moment before turning and walking resolutely up the aisle and out of the church. We were sitting towards the back of the church watching as each one passed by. The uniforms were varied, as were the sizes and shapes of the men and women wearing them. Some had tears streaming down, some had red faces from holding back the tears, some had clear eyes, others were clouded and sad.
But they all had a few things in common: a straight back, sure footing and a focused eye as they walked without wavering. Even in the brokenness there was a determination and a strength emitting from every one of them.
As I sat watching this unfold there was a aura of security, of peace, of being safe. For a brief moment I peeked into the spirituals and got a glimpse of our places in God's army. In our brokenness there comes more strength. In our pain we are able to bring a sense of safety and peace to those around us. I remembered the description of the Bride of Christ dressed in finery but wearing combat boots.
We each look different in our uniform, but His armor is the same in all. It brings down strongholds, sends the enemy packing and covers us with strength enough to share with those around us. Our diversity makes us strong as we complete each other. Our weaknesses allow the Lord to come through in His strength. At times we hurt, we cry, our pain is hard to bear; but in the midst we walk resolutely with a focus and a commitment to Jesus. In His strength there is peace.
True, we are the Bride of Christ, but lately I am being reminded we are also soldiers, we have a war, we have armor, we are needed in this world.
Ephesians 6:10-11 "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.
The ceremony closed with a time for each active military person in attendance to pay their final respects. The congregation watched solemnly as each of them approached the casket, saluted, then stood quietly for a moment before turning and walking resolutely up the aisle and out of the church. We were sitting towards the back of the church watching as each one passed by. The uniforms were varied, as were the sizes and shapes of the men and women wearing them. Some had tears streaming down, some had red faces from holding back the tears, some had clear eyes, others were clouded and sad.
But they all had a few things in common: a straight back, sure footing and a focused eye as they walked without wavering. Even in the brokenness there was a determination and a strength emitting from every one of them.
As I sat watching this unfold there was a aura of security, of peace, of being safe. For a brief moment I peeked into the spirituals and got a glimpse of our places in God's army. In our brokenness there comes more strength. In our pain we are able to bring a sense of safety and peace to those around us. I remembered the description of the Bride of Christ dressed in finery but wearing combat boots.
We each look different in our uniform, but His armor is the same in all. It brings down strongholds, sends the enemy packing and covers us with strength enough to share with those around us. Our diversity makes us strong as we complete each other. Our weaknesses allow the Lord to come through in His strength. At times we hurt, we cry, our pain is hard to bear; but in the midst we walk resolutely with a focus and a commitment to Jesus. In His strength there is peace.
True, we are the Bride of Christ, but lately I am being reminded we are also soldiers, we have a war, we have armor, we are needed in this world.
Ephesians 6:10-11 "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Early one morning, late at night,
Two dead boys got up to fight.
Back to back they faced each other;
Drew their swords and shot each other.
If you don't believe my story's true,
Ask the blind man, he saw it too.
Sometimes I think that little poem explains my life. Nothing is what it seems and everything that I think I know I really don't know. Up is down and down is up; in is out and out is definitely in. It is enough to make my mind go in circles. But this one thing I do know:
In the midst of all the craziness that makes up my life, God the Father, God the Son and the God Holy Ghost are completely and intimately involved in every aspect. So it doesn't really matter if up is down or down is up. It doesn't matter if my heart says I am happy while tears run down my cheeks. All that is irrelevant as along as He is on board and in control.
If you are like me, you have probably noticed that he looks at things a little differently from us anyway. I think I'm falling apart and He says when I am weak then I am strong. There he goes again - down is up. I feel old and think it is time to settle down but He says there is much left for me to do. I think I have so little to give but He reminds me that little is much when God is in it. The little boy with his lunch probably did not think he had much to give either but it fed more than 5,000 people.
One of my favorite scriptures is Acts 4:13
Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.
I admire and respect those who have committed themselves to higher study and understanding of God's word, but the fact that I am unlearned and simple does not keep me from giving out what the Lord has placed within my spirit. Brothers and sisters, if we have sat at His feet and beheld Him, we have much to give a hurting world.
Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.
Psalm 16:11
Two dead boys got up to fight.
Back to back they faced each other;
Drew their swords and shot each other.
If you don't believe my story's true,
Ask the blind man, he saw it too.
Sometimes I think that little poem explains my life. Nothing is what it seems and everything that I think I know I really don't know. Up is down and down is up; in is out and out is definitely in. It is enough to make my mind go in circles. But this one thing I do know:
In the midst of all the craziness that makes up my life, God the Father, God the Son and the God Holy Ghost are completely and intimately involved in every aspect. So it doesn't really matter if up is down or down is up. It doesn't matter if my heart says I am happy while tears run down my cheeks. All that is irrelevant as along as He is on board and in control.
If you are like me, you have probably noticed that he looks at things a little differently from us anyway. I think I'm falling apart and He says when I am weak then I am strong. There he goes again - down is up. I feel old and think it is time to settle down but He says there is much left for me to do. I think I have so little to give but He reminds me that little is much when God is in it. The little boy with his lunch probably did not think he had much to give either but it fed more than 5,000 people.
One of my favorite scriptures is Acts 4:13
Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.
I admire and respect those who have committed themselves to higher study and understanding of God's word, but the fact that I am unlearned and simple does not keep me from giving out what the Lord has placed within my spirit. Brothers and sisters, if we have sat at His feet and beheld Him, we have much to give a hurting world.
Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.
Psalm 16:11
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Irish love and football...
It is Sunday afternoon and I am rambling around on the computer while Royce watches football. He says things like, "there are only a few games left and I'll be finished." Ummm..sure...I've heard that one before. Actually, I love a good football game (at least the first 1,000 of the year) and normally watch with him ... sorta. But today my mind is wandering out there somewhere. Not sure what's up, but it's busy in there.
Perhaps it is fallout from our week. Last Thursday we had a group of friends over and did a video of our testimony. It was a great night - God was here - His anointing was wonderful and we had a good time singing, praying, talking and eating. The downside to that is, now I want to do it again. I love being with like minded people. I love being with folks who accept me as I am and let me be me. Isn't that a wonderful place to be? Surrounded by people who know you well enough to love you .... even though... well, even though they know you well enough.
There are a lot of articles and such floating around the internet these days about friends. Girl friends, old friends, seasonal friends. But the friends I'm speaking of are actually spiritual brothers and sisters as well as friends. Relationships built in the altar, nourished and fed in the good and bad times of life. The kind that pray for you, love you, and help you through life. Yep - those are real friends. And I love every one of them, whether I just met them or have known them forever.
Now that I have settled just what my mind is rambling over I can go watch a good football game...and eat...again...
Lovin' the season!
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Everybody's Talking At Me...
Isn't that an old song? I need to remember the words - something about "can't hear a word they're sayin... only the echos of my mind..." The singer is focused on one person and one place. He is determined to go where the sun is always shining through the pouring rain. Awesome idea -- but one that is only possible if we keep our eyes open and focused on the right 'One' person.
This year, to help me keep focused, I'm keeping a notebook with all the lessons, words, revelations and promises He gives me written down and dated, all together in one place. In past years I have written them wherever I happen to be at the time and we all know what happens after that, but not this year. Now, when life comes knocking and I start listening to 'the echos of my mind,' I will know exactly where to look for His personal words to me.
Don't you love the way the Lord speaks to us at His convenience and His timing no matter where we are or what we are doing. I love that about Him. Mayhaps it is because He's boss and He can do that. :-) Anyway, since he does that, I even have a new website, "Evernote," that I can post to privately from my phone or my laptop and then when I get home just transfer it to my special book.
Like some of you, I have made other 'suggestions' to myself for 2012. You know, things like, eat more and pray less....sorry, I meant to say.... eat less and pray more. That is it, exactly! It's amazing how the laptop types on its own sometimes!
Anyway, now I've put it out there for you to read so I'm committed and accountable. Accountability - that word ripples across time and generations to bring us back on target again and again. Accountability to ourselves, to others and to God. It is a principle that makes us transparent before all and keeps us from throwing rocks when we live in a glass house.
Sheeze - not liking where this post is going - gonna stop now.
For your enjoyment ... come join me where the sun shines through the pouring rain: Everybody's Talking At Me
Lovin' the season...
This year, to help me keep focused, I'm keeping a notebook with all the lessons, words, revelations and promises He gives me written down and dated, all together in one place. In past years I have written them wherever I happen to be at the time and we all know what happens after that, but not this year. Now, when life comes knocking and I start listening to 'the echos of my mind,' I will know exactly where to look for His personal words to me.
Don't you love the way the Lord speaks to us at His convenience and His timing no matter where we are or what we are doing. I love that about Him. Mayhaps it is because He's boss and He can do that. :-) Anyway, since he does that, I even have a new website, "Evernote," that I can post to privately from my phone or my laptop and then when I get home just transfer it to my special book.
Like some of you, I have made other 'suggestions' to myself for 2012. You know, things like, eat more and pray less....sorry, I meant to say.... eat less and pray more. That is it, exactly! It's amazing how the laptop types on its own sometimes!
Anyway, now I've put it out there for you to read so I'm committed and accountable. Accountability - that word ripples across time and generations to bring us back on target again and again. Accountability to ourselves, to others and to God. It is a principle that makes us transparent before all and keeps us from throwing rocks when we live in a glass house.
Sheeze - not liking where this post is going - gonna stop now.
For your enjoyment ... come join me where the sun shines through the pouring rain: Everybody's Talking At Me
Lovin' the season...
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