Friday, August 5, 2011

Dirty Feet and Warm Hugs

There is something so sweet about a little child who has been outside playing, running and getting all hot and sweaty. Their hair sticks to their forehead and their feet get all grimy and nasty, even with shoes on. I love to see red faces flushed with excitement over a new game or just running ... wide open running.

But with every good mom, the time comes to hit the bath and wash away all evidence of outside play.Of course the bubbles in the bath are as much fun as the outside play and is yet another game to be enjoyed. I love that about children; their ability to play and enjoy life with an open heart and a mind ready to absorb new ideas and concepts. Childhood is a beautiful season of imagination and love whether its a day of dirty feet or clean baths, the warm hugs are priceless.

Jesus understood our knack for playing around and getting dirty feet. He took time for that with his disciples; time to wash their feet. Remember, Peter wanted to be washed all over, but Jesus said, no, you are clean, only wash your feet.

Daily baths are essential for children romping outside for hours at a time. They are also essential for us if we want to stay close to Jesus and spend time cuddled in His lap; just being with Him.

He wants us to run, play, enjoy life and be open to new ideas and adventures. Sometimes, however, in our zest to live life fully we stumble into dirty puddles and muddy paths. This world is full of such and no matter how hard we strive to stay clean, we often manage to find the exact puddle we were trying to avoid! Its then we quickly run to Jesus to have our feet washed. His bubble bath is his Word and His presence. And just like the bubble baths our children enjoy, the time of washing with Him, even though He sometimes scrubs pretty hard, is filled with love and acceptance.

Jesus answered, "Unless I wash you, you have no part with me." John 13:8 (b)

Bring on the bubbles, Lord. My feet get dirty!

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