Sunday, July 3, 2011

America The Beautiful

I love this house! To me it screams small town July 4th.

 Normally, we go to Newnan High School for fireworks on the 4th. We sit on the grass at the same place in left field. Frisbees, footballs, folding chairs and blankets are all carried from the car a few blocks away. We arrive early enough to play before dark and then settle down for the show.

BUT - as we are walking to the field, we pass this lovely house and it is always decorated. I just love it. On the evening of the Fourth they normally have food and badminton games and people laughing and playing -  waiting for dark. It's quaint and lovely and touches my heart in a special way that reminds me of seasons past when life truly was simpler and easier.

America the Beautiful - not only in its many natural landscapes but beautiful in the quiet ways. Beautiful in the people that make her up. One small house on a typical street in small town America - but indicative of millions of small houses across this country that make up America the Beautiful. Thank you Jesus, there still is a side of America where families live, love, and enjoy the simple pleasure of  'being.' 

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