Family gatherings and good food - its impossible to separate the two. And who would want to??
Last year I embarked on yet another project: putting together a Family Cookbook
Good idea, huh? I thought so. At least I did when I started it over a year ago. Somehow, it keeps getting pushed to the back burner for more interesting, uhhh.... easier projects. BeJeweled or Scrabble...
So, now here I am - almost two years later and I am posting this to make me accountable to someone. Accountability - not my favorite idea, but one that has proved important in my life. I would like to say I'm the kind of person who works and makes my own deadlines and never lets up til the job is done. Unfortunately, I'm more the fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kind of person. When the mood hits I'm there without breaking but when the flow lifts its over for a while.
Here are a few of my pages - just to get my mind moving in that direction again. Work with me here people - I need encouragement. I can do this... I think I can...I think I can....I think I can....
Families are God's design - food is His provision - putting the two together is one of life's most wonderful blessings!
More later, "Livin' in the Season'
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