Monday, July 25, 2011

It Gets Sweeter

'This weekend I had the honor of joining in the celebration for Uncle Junior's 90th birthday. He is actually Royce's uncle, but I claim him too. I think he's OK with that. If you are part of the Body of Christ you can claim him too. He is your brother in Christ, a father in the faith and a beautiful example of what life looks like for someone who has walked with God for more years than I have been alive.

When I look at the video posted above, I see on his and Aunt Ruth's faces the same love and yearning I feel inside; that longing just to see His face. Age doesn't matter when it comes to loving Jesus, but witnessing those who have held on for many years without wavering, without turning back or letting go humbles me and excites me all at the same time. Have no doubt, there are many Christians tucked away at different places on this earth that have not turned aside nor backed down; men and women who still stand for God's principles without compromise. The Body of Christ is alive and well and the Generals are at their post.

Thank you, Jesus for this amazing couple and all they have meant to so many of us over the years. May their lives continue to flourish under your loving hand.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Its true that I love food. Its also true that I can cook... in my way.  My grandma could cook, my mom could cook and even though I did not have the pleasure of meeting her, I'm told that my mother-in-law was a wonderful cook.

Cooking in their era was different. I remember my grandma never used measuring cups or spoons; instead she poured or shook a little into her hand and could tell by looking at it how much she had and needed. Now, THAT'S cooking. That plus stoking up the fire to get the temp correct. I'm mighty afraid my family would have starved had I been born during those times.

On occasion I cooked for a family of five when I was 15 years old, but my grandma was cooking for a big family all by herself when she was eight years old. She wins.

But then, I realize once again they lived in another season and needed abilities I have never found necessary; like how to make a fire to cook breakfast, or carry water from the nearest creek for doing the dishes. Reading their stories is inspiring to me, but personally, I am very happy to have been born exactly when I was.

I pray you are enjoying your season in life as much as I am. Trying to bloom where I'm planted instead of stinking the place up like a weed is sometimes a chore, but He is faithful to give me what I need to make my corner beautiful, even with frozen pizza.

Livin' in the season...

 Love this cookbook.... great recipes and lots of photos.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I have lived long enough to know that any season, whether good or not so good, will pass. Seasons come and go in our lives; one melts into another and unless it is an extreme jolt that throws us into a new era of our lives, it takes a while to realize we have entered a new season.

Looking at these photos of different seasons in nature, I realize it is pretty much the same in the natural order. The above photo was taken on a cool day in autumn, but look at that sky. It could easily be a warm, sunny summer day.

As autumn moves towards winter, there is no mistaking the season - the colors are awesome, the temps drop and we bring out the sweaters. And oh, football begins!

All too soon winter arrives but even then there are promises of springtime coming. These berries though encased in ice hang on for warmer days.

And then one morning we look out the door and spy springtime's early bloomers. The weather, although still chilly and windy, is now sunny and warm enough to enjoy. Ahhh..... a new season begins.

Spring soon melts into the golden days of summer bringing lazy days of sun, late night dinners, pool parties and sleepovers.

Through the seasons and changes in our lives, one thing never changes: God's love for us. How amazing He is! Have you ever stopped to think that a God of such beautiful changes and variety never changes Himself. I love that about Him!! Now, if I can just remember this as I find myself wandering through the seasons in my life. The good, the bad, and the ugly. :-)

Livin' in the season...

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Family Cookbook

Mama Sosebee's blackberry cobbler; mom's chicken and dressing, Grandma's fried pies, Dad's cracker salad, the chicken and rice, the cookies, the chocolate cake and OH - the coconut cake! If your family is like ours, it doesn't take long when we are together to start reminiscing about the food we have enjoyed over the years.

Family gatherings and good food - its impossible to separate the two. And who would want to??

Last year I embarked on yet another project:  putting together a Family Cookbook. My idea was to take recipes, photos, family stories, short bios of the women in our family, create the pages in my digital scrapbook program,  and put it all together in a nice binder. Each lady in our family would receive a copy and as each guy married, his new wife would also receive one.

Good idea, huh? I thought so. At least I did when I started it over a year ago. Somehow, it keeps getting pushed to the back burner for more interesting, uhhh.... easier projects. BeJeweled or Scrabble...

So, now here I am - almost two years later and I am posting this to make me accountable to someone. Accountability - not my favorite idea, but one that has proved important in my life. I would like to say I'm the kind of person who works and makes my own deadlines and never lets up til the job is done. Unfortunately, I'm more the fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kind of person. When the mood hits I'm there without breaking but when the flow lifts its over for a while.

Here are a few of my pages - just to get my mind moving in that direction again. Work with me here people - I need encouragement. I can do this...  I think I can...I think I can....I think I can....

Families are God's design - food is His provision - putting the two together is one of life's most wonderful blessings!

More later, "Livin' in the Season'

Sunday, July 3, 2011

America The Beautiful

I love this house! To me it screams small town July 4th.

 Normally, we go to Newnan High School for fireworks on the 4th. We sit on the grass at the same place in left field. Frisbees, footballs, folding chairs and blankets are all carried from the car a few blocks away. We arrive early enough to play before dark and then settle down for the show.

BUT - as we are walking to the field, we pass this lovely house and it is always decorated. I just love it. On the evening of the Fourth they normally have food and badminton games and people laughing and playing -  waiting for dark. It's quaint and lovely and touches my heart in a special way that reminds me of seasons past when life truly was simpler and easier.

America the Beautiful - not only in its many natural landscapes but beautiful in the quiet ways. Beautiful in the people that make her up. One small house on a typical street in small town America - but indicative of millions of small houses across this country that make up America the Beautiful. Thank you Jesus, there still is a side of America where families live, love, and enjoy the simple pleasure of  'being.' 

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Watermelon & Bakeshop Betty

We spent the morning wandering around Newnan town square checking out the various vendors; enjoying the music and overall having a great time. We inspected every food offering available - some of them twice. Brought some home for later then ate them as soon as we got here. One thing was missing though: no watermelon! What in the world??? It's July 4th!!

When I was a little girl, it was a hard and fast rule: no watermelon before the 4th of July. Did anyone else have to wait like that? Perhaps it is still in force ...after all, there was no watermelon available today.  For a while they held a watermelon tasting day at the State Farmer's Market every July 4th. I guess it was a sort of official opening of watermelon season.  I suppose I need to relax, after all, it is only July 2nd. Meanwhile, I hope you like the photos - we have some very interesting people and places around Newnan.                                                

                                                                                                  This lady was great on the bass fiddle.

I LOVE this pic! Cool, huh?

Uhhhh.look who's tasting the sweets...and not his only stop either.

Bakeshop Betty (aka Christi Polk) was not only adorable in her checkered shirt, but her cupcakes were delicious!  ( I think you should check it out because she is such a nice person, has good prices, 
and because although I'm no food critic, I do LOVE me a good cupcake and to me hers were wonderful!  AND she delivers.  

Don't you just like this guy?

A little pickin' and grinnin' from downtown Newnan to enjoy while you are waiting for the melon...

All photos were taken with my Nikon D80 ...I love my camera.  I am attempting to learn how to use it on manual settings - these didn't come out bad, huh? The videos were taken with my new and awesome IPhone!!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Tyler's Heart

He's only five years old; but he's already five years old! And he's a rascal. Not just your typical rascal, but an entirely new level of rascalism. Even in the midst of his rascalism, he is delightful. And that is how it is with Ty: a study in paradoxes.

A few nights back he and his big brother spent the night with us. We had the typical day with a trip to the barber shop, homemade hamburgers and fries, pinball games, a movie and time spent on the porch discussing life.

Then bedtime came!! Any grandparent understands the routine at bedtime with the little ones away form home. The rules at Grandma's house are completely different from home rules. I'm actually fine with that - it is all part of the SpaGrandma experience. (Thanks for the term, Cat. It fits nicely.) This night Mister Tyler was particularly frisky.

Trent only wanted to go to sleep. No problems. No stress. Just let him sleep. Oh no! That was not going to happen. We went through water, bathroom, poking Trent, giggling, dropping teddy off the bed, dropping blankie off the bed, dropping pillow off the bed and then falling head first onto the floor and ending with a flourish of a somersault. Really quite entertaining. After almost an hour though it did get a little dicey around here. There had been first suggesting, then scolding, (complete with hand on hip and toe tapping by me) pleading (yes, I am not above that) promising the world, bribing -- nothing worked.

Grandaddy has had a few health problems lately and he wasn't feeling too well. He was trying to get to sleep but the noise and hyper "talk" was beginning to wear on him. I walked into the bedroom to find Ty standing by Trent trying to keep him awake. Of course Trent was over the whole Tyler thing too. After putting Ty back in his bed and turning up the sleep music a tad, I decided honesty was the best policy here. Our conversation went something like this:

Me: "Tyler, Granddaddy is not feeling well and you are keeping him awake."
TY: (eyes big and finger pointing at me) "You are not kidding, are you?"
Me: "No, Tyler, I am not kidding."
Ty: (still with the finger) "You would not kid about something like that, would you?"
Me: "No, I would not."  (Trent in the background: 'No, Ty, she isn't kidding!')
Ty: (pulls covers up under his chin and snuggles down with a sigh.) "OK...I was getting a little tired anyway."

By the time I was able to close my dropped jaw, Tyler was sleeping soundly with that angelic look on his face. Not another peep out of him til sometime late the next morning.

Two things to note here:

1. He knew all along what he was doing. It was a game for him. One grandparents all over the world play on a regular basis. I should know that by now.
2. When the chips are down, Ty's heart is as big as the moon and he loves his granddaddy fiercely.

Now that's something worth writing about!

Wishing everyone had the privilege of loving a Tyler.