My first big season change came when I graduated high school. The deal among us was that no one would cry. We would be cool about it, no emotion, just good times. Then the word spread up and down the line, I can still hear the whispers: "Marie is crying." Yep - there I stood in the middle, well actually almost to the end, of the line and I was crying. Not just a few tears, nope, crying! All out crying.
Was I embarrassed? I don't think I was. I remember the whispers, I remember walking and looking through my tears, I remember being surrounded by friends I had seen almost daily for twelve years, but I do not remember being embarrassed. It's who I am. Emotional, sentimental, expressive. My guts have a way of spilling out for all to see. And I'm certain none of my friends were in the least surprised. They knew me. We had grown up together. And now it was ending. Of course I cried.
Since then I have come to the beginning and the ending of many seasons. I married; I birthed three wonderful children; I divorced; I raised children as a single mom; I married Mr Wonderful; I went through the struggles of combining two families and emerged with more people to love and be loved by; my children grew up and moved away; I became a grandma; and now many of my grandchildren have grown up. Life has been emotional, sentimental and expressive. I have cried over some endings and shouted over others. I have laughed and been cool and I have dissolved into tears.
But a few things have remained constant over the years: those who love me have loved me and those who are my friends have understood and supported me. My family has remained intact and God's love has kept us in the most intense and in the calmest situations. Even in the early years before I knew Him, He kept me. Even then He was with me; though I did not realize it.
So, it's 2011 and a new year is beginning. I believe a new season is also beginning in my life. I sense the winds of change softly beckoning me. Where? I'm not sure yet, but one thing I know: my God will keep me and my family and friends will love and support me.
And so, I cherish the memories of my life; of having all my children under our roof. I remember the family times when we were all together, but now I am thrilled when our family includes daughter-in-laws and son-in-law and grandchildren. Its a different season but I would not go backwards for anything.
It is a wonderful thing to me that God ordains the seasons of our lives perfectly to fit our needs and abilities at the moment. Wouldn't it be crazy if I had to go back to high school or to being a new mom? OMG! Lord help me!
And so, to those who are such an important part of my life, I salute you and thank you. Loving me is not always an easy thing, but you guys are determined. God bless you!
If God be for us, who can be against us?
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