And then along came Jones, tall thin Jones
Slow walking Jones, slow talking Jones.
Along came long lean lanky Jones.
Slow walking Jones was a fictional character in a fictional T.V. show, in a song by the Coasters back in 1959. Funny, I remember only tidbits of what I learned in high school, but the songs - those I remember clearly. Slow walking Jones was a hero. He always showed up when the damsel was in distress; never early but always at the very last minute.
Hummm...who does that remind you of? OK, I am seriously not comparing slow walking Jones to Jesus, but hey, if the shoe fits, you know. I have had many Jones' in my life. My parents of course and my grand parents, and my two older brothers. Growing up with bright orange, fuzzy hair and about 2,543,617 freckles on my face alone, I needed a lot of rescuing. Just to set the record straight, sometimes my brothers did the rescuing but more often they were the ones I needed rescuing from. But that's another story.
In later years slow walking Jones has shown up in many different people - male and female. I've had friends, bosses, teachers and family members that made my life easier and fuller just by being a part of it. Of course Mr Wonderful has been my biggest and most able hero for many years now. Just ask him, he'll be more than happy to tell you.
So, ok, this post has no deep meaning, no long-lasting message, but the link takes you to a cool video of the Coasters singing about Jones. He's quite the guy. And oh, one more thing: thank you to all the slow walking, slow talking Jones's from all us damsels who need your help on a daily basis. So there. For what it's worth, there it is.
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