Monday, October 18, 2010


My husband and I were travelling last week when we received news of a tragic accident. One of our extended family members was taken home at a very early age.  The shock of it was painful and mind boggling. There did not seem to be a way to rationalize it or understand it. We immediately went to the Lord in prayer and the Holy Spirit spoke to our hearts the words: "he is safe."

The comfort came and went during the next few days as we joined with other family and friends to surround the immediate family in His love and faith. It was amazing to see the strength that was imparted to all of them, the way they were able to not only function but actually comfort others. God's grace always amazes me. The  Comforter is just that: The Comforter and no one else can take His place.

And so, on a beautiful fall afternoon with a clear sky and crisp cool air, we stood around a fresh grave and said goodbye - for now. As the grave site ceremony finished, Mom very nervously began to sing,

"Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, there's just something about that name.
Master, Savior, Jesus, let all heaven and earth proclaim.
Kings and kingdoms may all pass away,
But there's something about that name."

Bittersweet. We know our loved one is safe with Jesus and that is so sweet, but the bitter taste left in our hearts from the loss is something only the Lord can heal. But listening to Mom's shaking voice full of emotion and pain as she sang to Jesus tells me that healing has already begun.

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