Isaiah 45:7 says:
"I form the light and create darkness, I make peace and create calamity; I, the Lord, do all these things."
Earlier in the same chapter in verse four, the Lord says: "I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places. That you may know that I the Lord, who call you by your name, am the God of Israel."
I have been in my own darkness and felt fear in my life many times over. I would like to say I have always overcome but that just isn't the case. Often, I have tucked tail and run like a deer to safety. But that does not change the truth that His presence was and always is, able to cast out the fear and give me the courage to go forward. The times I have listened to Him and allowed that courage to rise up have been wonderful.
Not long ago I heard a sermon about being courageous and how you cannot be courageous unless you first have fear. I pondered that for a while then let it go. Then, one day this week I was talking aloud to God about my personal battle with fear when I heard a strange word in my spirit - 'your fear is my gift to you.'
The Lord instructs us to 'be courageous.' Being courageous means doing something even though you are afraid. If I am fearless, then walking into a situation is routine - just another day at the mill. But, if I have fear and yet choose to trust God and walk into that situation anyway, then I am an overcomer. The very fear that hinders me is also an instrument to making me courageous.
Perfect love casts out fear. If I had a dime for every time some "mature" believer quoted that one to me, I would be rich. I may be too simple, but if I understand that passage correctly, John's subject is love. The love of Jesus who died for us leaving no room for fear of judgement.
So, today I suggest that perhaps, just perhaps, your fear is a gift from God. An obstacle to be overcome with and through His perfect love. And when you have overcome you will have created one more place of worship to God the Father. The glory of His presence in that place where fear once reigned will create a deeper worship of Him. It is one more way of creating an atmosphere of worship.
The sin is not in the fearing, the sin is in letting the fear control you.
No fear, no courage. Either I am His or I am not His. And if I am His, then I am fully His. He ordains my steps and allows the obstacles I need to become courageous in Him. Not in my own strength but in His. He only allows trials where he has already made provision for winning and He never sets me up for failure. The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty!