Its a beautiful porch morning down here. The temp is unusually mild for this time of year; the breeze soft and relaxing. Capt. courageous and I are being entertained by the squirrels chasing each other up and down the trees. Its funny how much noise they make for their size. All this peace has resulted in a second pot of coffee and an extended calm before the day descends upon us.
This life style was thrust upon us unexpectedly ten years ago when the explosion brought our employment days to an end. The first few years we were reeling from the impact both physically and emotionally. Then just as we were settling down the automobile accident happened and our lives were upended once again.
Once we recovered from that, we went through a time of frustration with not being productive. Actually, the Capt. had more trouble with that one than I did. But now, we have surrendered and settled into a peace, redeeming the time with our family, enjoying our grandchildren and loving our lives.
Seasons change and it usually takes time to be comfortable again, but God is good and our paths are directed by Him.
The steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord and He delights in his way. Psm. 37:7
Wow, I have really missed so much! What car accident? We need to start cathing up!
In Jan of 2004, I was in a wheelchair - had to learn to walk again. Ten fractures in my body and a skull fracture. God covered us in amazing way! Thought you knew. The Capt wasn't hurt badly in that - black eye and pulled muscles.
No, I didn't know about that either! Wow! How long was your recovery??
It was about six months before I could walk without a cane. My back gave me a lot of trouble for about a year until the Lord healed me in a Bill Johnson service in AL. It still bothers me when I overdo but is MUCH better than it was.
My head? Well, headaches off and one till about 6 months ago - it's doing pretty good now.
Very thankful for no long term problems from that.
God has definitely placed a guardian angel over you & Pop and that angel cetainly seems to have put in alot of overtime working for the Dias fam!! So thankful no long term effects for you too! Although I would imagine some would question if your head is okay though (wink, wink):-) I love you!
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