Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Fried Cornbread & Jesus

My husband has long been convinced that fried cornbread is spiritual. He read something in the Old Testament about using the finest meal to fry cakes in a pan. That is all it took to satisfy him that God actually likes fried cornbread. Because I am of course a loving, submissive wife, I agree and eat it with him.  It’s my job you know.

In Hosea 7:8, the Lord calls Ephraim a cake not turned. Spurgeon compares this to a Christian who is mature and sanctified in some areas of their lives but still raw in others. Since I have cooked a few skillets of fried cornbread over the years, I understand what it means to leave one side down in the oil too long. The bottom gets black and the top is still gooey. So, does this mean that when we refuse to allow the Lord to turn us towards his Holy Fire we are showing our gooey side to the world? And even worse, one side of us is so drenched with religion we become burned and distasteful?

God works in each of our lives teaching, healing past wounds and bringing revelation about different aspects of His nature while changing different aspects of our nature. It is important for Him to work maturity, character and integrity into our being if He is going to be able to use us as He desires. And so comes the cooking.  (I am laughing as I type this – what a horrible way to describe God’s faithfulness and sanctification….but we are going with Hosea here.)

I believe the Lord allows (ordains?) circumstances in our lives that will turn our gooey side to His holy flame so He can ‘cook’ that part of our person. Could it be that perhaps there are times when God steps back and allows this life to bring situations to us that He can use to cook our goo?

Thinking back on my own past, I can remember times when life threw me a curve and turned me in a direction that caused me to scream like the little girl I am.  Let’s face it, no one likes the fire. When I hear someone say they just love the fire of God, I wonder if they have really experienced the fire of God. Don’t get me wrong, I love and cherish the results of His fire, but walking through it … nope, not an enjoyable thing for me. However, once the Lord has proven Himself to me in that area, the next trial doesn't scare me … at least not so much.

Fortunately, when God allows life to flip our gooey side down, He walks with us through the trial. The truth that it is His fire means that He is in it with us. (deep sigh here)

We are individual and unique before God. Because of that He works on a special timetable for each of us, according to His purposes and our ability to trust Him. No matter the situation, I believe he will use it to draw us closer to Him. It will increase our faith and give us deeper revelation of His person. Whatever the problem, whether its pain, sorrow, loss, grief  –  if we can bring ourselves to embrace it and trust God through it, we will be not only healed but made stronger in Him.  

Isiah 45:3 is one of my favorite verses. There are treasures in the darkness and the greatest treasure is Him.  Even in the fire of His holiness we stand complete in Him and come out of that season leaning on Him and moving forward in maturity and love. The greatest sorrows of this life will work together for our good if we love Him and are called according to His purposes. God promises that.

Turn me Lord and make sure I am fully cooked.