Those of you who know me personally will probably find this difficult to believe, but I really am not a socializer...unless that is, I am with my people, those who get me or who love me even though they don't get me.
But strangers, not so much. A few years back I received an invitation to a social gathering with some ladies I barely knew. In an effort to be sociable I decided to attend.
Soooooo..... I cooked my favorite pound cake - bought my little gift - donned the appropriate outfit and headed out. O goodness!! What a mistake. The ice sickles were enough to churn ice cream on a hot day. You know that moment when you speak and someone nods and smiles vaguely while looking around for someone else to speak to. Well, about the tenth time that happened I got the message; found my purse and slipped out the door, leaving my pound cake and gift behind. I would like to say it did not really bother me, but it did. Actually, it took a while to get over my feelings of being shunned. One thing it did teach me though: do not go to every party you have an invite to.
Over the years I have learned that it is OK if not everyone likes me - even my brothers and sisters in Christ. When the Lord saved me in 1979 I was a single mom - a divorcee - with three children. Finding Jesus was the single most amazing thing ever in my entire life. (Followed in importance by my children and my wonderful husband - but that is another story) Anyway, after the Lord poured his love, grace and compassion over me, I expected everyone who knew Him to love me as well.
Again: shocker! Not so. The women were suspicious of me; the men were afraid to be nice because the women were suspicious. I finally found a group of singles and a few married people who accepted me, but overall my first few years as a Christian were a little lonely. Not lonely enough to make me turn back though - no way! I had found the Love of my life and nothing and no one was going to discourage me from following him.
At this point in my Christian walk, I have developed many wonderful friendships that are fulfilling and strengthening, but lately there have been a few encounters reminding me not everyone likes me; agrees with me nor wants to spend time with me. For a while this was heavy on my heart. I kept asking the Lord to help me be a better friend; to be more compassionate; more understanding and helpful. Then one day He dropped a verse into my heart that made everything OK again.
Wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved. Eph 1:6
Accepted. As I let that word soak into my heart I was reminded of a family gathering. Some family members do not click as well as others. They smile and hug and say all the right things but some of the brothers and sisters, uncles, aunts, cousins, in-laws, just do not 'get' each other. Personalities sometimes rub on one another.
But this is the thing: the father of that family loves them all. Speak to any parent and they will admit some of the family members rub each other; ideas and lifestyles may be different; but the parent loves each one the same.
And so it is with our Heavenly Father. He has made me accepted in the family. It is OK if I think differently; act differently than some of the others. It is OK if they do not enjoy spending time with me and if I choose my computer over their company. Of course they have to love me and I them; but I am speaking of liking; of sharing ideas and goals and humor: all the little things that make up this life. It is OK because the Father loves me and them.
Can I explain what that verse does to my heart? I am accepted in the beloved by the head of the family. I have a place. I am loved. I am considered right with the Father through the blood of His son. The Father has accepted me.
Today I am walking in His love and while I pray he continues to work on my shortcomings; I know He loves me with that wonderful Fatherly love that makes me want to sit in his lap and listen to His words. It is there I am safe.
generally approved; usually regarded as normal, right...
Normal.....does that really say normal??????? That could be a stretch.