Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Unopened Packages ..

Isn't it exciting to think about a brand new year all ready and waiting to be opened and experienced? Just think, 365 new days filled with unexpected treasures! It's mind boggling. Of course the Lord who knows the end from the beginning is aware of every detail that will impact our lives this year and He has already made provisions to cover every need.

Lately, the spiritual realm appears to be very close. I imagine (or realize) a thin veil, someone called it a thin membrane, that separates our world and the spirituals.  I feel I could poke a hole in it and see marvelous things just on the other side. I think the activity there is constant, teeming with boundless energy, but at the same time great peace and order.

For me, if I could poke through that hole, the first thing I would want to see is the face of Jesus. Not in a vision or a dream but actually face to face. Once, years ago, I had a glimpse of His eyes. I was having a very difficult time and had prayed and cried until I was exhausted. Then, just as I was falling asleep, there He was. All I could see were his eyes and all He said was, "I know."  That brief encounter changed my heart and my life. The look in His eyes is seared onto my heart and will never be erased.

 I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.
Psalm 32: 8

Years ago we sang a song about His eyes:

"O, Lord, you're beautiful.
Your face is all I see.
And when your eyes
Are on this child,
Your grace abounds to me."
(Keith Green)

Today, I  take comfort in the truth that His eyes of love watched over me all through 2011. He was committed, even when I wasn't.

It is a good time to take stock and be certain all the failures, discouragements and struggles from last year are repented over and laid aside. So, as I pack up my Christmas decorations I'll be doing a little spiritual packing up also - getting rid of the old debris and making  a clean slate for 2012.

Of course there are times in our lives that hurts, wounds and emotional pain go so deeply into our souls that only God can heal. For those we keep going to God and trusting Him for our healing. Our part is to keep taking them to Him; His part is to heal. And He will, in time, heal our hearts.

I will  keep the good times from 2011 and store them in my heart. They are treasures to be opened and enjoyed over and over through the coming years.  This year is almost over and God is still on the throne. He hasn't been surprised or threatened by anything that happened in 2011.  He is still in control and His eyes are still on His children.

Come on 2012 - let's start this thing!

Happy New Year everyone!!!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

God Meant It For Good

God meant it for good .... I saw this caption earlier on a photograph and once again the Lord reminded me that He is in control. The good, the bad, the ugly - - - it is true, He works it all together for our good.  I do believe though, there are times when "bad" things are specifically meant to bring good to us. The problem is, our bad and His bad usually look different. But because He loves us so much, He understands and hurts with us in our pain.

Last month, my lovely niece was injured in an accident and went to Heaven at only 51 years old. Now, to me that is bad. But to God maybe not so much. Perhaps He sees it as a win-win situation. He wins because his daughter that he loves so very much has come home. As parents we all understand how wonderful it is when one of our children returns after a long absence. To see them up close and personal and throw our arms around them fills our heart and mind with happiness.

Becky wins because she is safely home and has no struggles or limitations. Hummm...Becky with no limitations. Now that is an intriguing thought. She had so many talents and her ability to love on this earth was great; I can only imagine her up there.

And I win because one more member of my family is safely with Jesus and will be there to welcome me at my own home coming. And so, today I choose to focus on the win of this situation. Today I choose to thank my Father for His faithfulness to me and to my family. Once again I must admit that His will is perfect even when it doesn't agree with mine.

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. Gen. 50:20

Only in eternity will we understand what the Lord accomplished in each tragedy in our lives. One thing is for certain, if we are His child, He is working and loving in every situation.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

Enjoy your first Christmas in Heaven, Becky. I can almost hear you singing with the angels ... how beautiful!

Friday, December 2, 2011

A Family Thing

If I had to choose my favorite gift in our family, it would be the gift of gab  ... in other words, we talk. We talk a lot, we talk loudly and we all talk at once. It isn't so important what we say as it is that we say. Whatever is on our mind has to be voiced. It doesn't really matter if anyone is listening or not - so long as we  give our opinion.  Our family get togethers could easily resemble a stand up comedy try-out.

I have friends who freeze up when they are asked questions or put on the spot. They cannot seem to get the words out. Frankly, I do not believe I have ever in my life not found words. Granted, they are often the wrong words, many times ponounced incorrectly, but never, ever do I find myself unable to utter something - no matter how ridiculous.  Many are the times I wish I had not found the words but alas, my mouth opens on its hinges and words start to fly.

There is however, an upside to this communication gift. Several actually. One, people know where I stand. Good or bad, there it is. More importantly, I know where I stand - it is all there when I yell it out and hear it for the first time as it hangs in the air. Watching the faces around me as they try to digest what they cannot believe I just said  is always an adventure. What they don't know is, its an adventure on this side too - normally I can't believe what I just said!

The moral of this little story - if there is one - is that we should take our gifts from God seriously and develop them in a way that pleases Him. Peter was a great communicator but it took a while for him to develop that gift to the point he was not being told to get lost. But, he did learn and we have all benefited from his lessons. So, there's hope for all of us stumbling speakers and writers who have words in our hearts and minds that sound very different when spoken out or written down. Words that carry life but somehow get tangled in our emotions and sound like something from the dark side instead.

A few years ago the Lord gave me a special scripture that has helped me to trust Him when I open my mouth.

Psalms 81:9 & 10

There shall no strange god be in thee; neither shall thou worship any strange god.

I am the Lord thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.  (emphasis mine)

Open my mouth wide..... got it.... letting Him fill it.... still working on that one. But Peter made it, so there's hope for me!

Lovin' the season....