When Royce was in the burn unit in Utah back in 2000, the Lord came to him late one night and healed him in a miraculous way. Most of you know that, but the interesting thing is what He said that night. OK - first the Lord said, "I have heard their prayers." That was a wonderful encouragement to all of us. But after that, later in their "conversation" Jesus said to Royce: "My love will lift you up."
It took us a while to understand what a powerful statement that was. Not only was He talking about an amazing physical healing, but a lifting up emotionally, mentally and spiritually as well. Since then, Love Lifted Me has become one of Royce's favorite songs and the phrase is one we have often discussed, pondering the depth of its meaning.
I remember years ago one of our grandsons was about two years old when he contracted a serious staff infection. His parents rushed him to the hospital late one night and when they called to let me know they were bringing his older brothers by our house I had an immediate fear grab my heart. Before I could hang the phone up, the Lord spoke to me, "ride the storm." Ride the storm. The storm is here - its a bad one - ride it.
The only way I could ride that storm was to allow Him to lift me up to that place. The storm was indeed a very bad one. For a while we were not certain our grandson would live. He was covered in big open sores to the point he looked like a tiny monster sitting in the middle of the hospital bed. But then he would flash that famous smile of his and we knew that he too, was riding the storm. After three harrowing days the Lord not only healed him but the sores left no scars. Two years later at four years of age, he was the one most concerned about Granddaddy being confined to a hospital bed for so long.
I'm sure now that he is a teenager he has forgotten that scary time, but sometimes when I look at that beautiful smile I thank God that He lifted each of us up to ride that storm. God's love is like that. In the spirit realm His love is tangible; it has substance and can hold you. God is love. Love is God.
When I sing that song, Love Lifted Me, in my heart I'm singing, God Lifted Me.
And He did and He will. Storms come into all our lives but through His love we can rise above and ride the storm to a new and deeper place in Him.
Love LIfted Me by The Statler Brothers
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Saturday, November 19, 2011
God Meant It For Good
I saw the above caption on a photograph earlier and once again, the Lord, reminded me that He is in control. The good, the bad, the ugly - it all works together for our good, but I believe there are times when seemingly horrific things happen in our lives that are specifically meant for our good. The problem is, our view of "bad" and His view of "bad" are usually very different.
Last month my dear niece had a horrible accident and went home to Heaven at only 51 years old. To me that is bad. But, to God, it probably looks a little different. In His view its a win-win situation. He wins because His daughter has come home. As parents we all understand the joy of seeing our child up close and personal after a long absence.
She wins because she can relax and enjoy life with no struggles or limitations. Hummm...Becky with no limitations is an awesome thought. She had so many talents and her ability to love was great even on this earth; I can only imagine what she is like up there.
And, I win because one more member of my family is waiting safely with Jesus for my own arrival. Today I choose to focus on the win of this situation. Today I choose to thank my Father for His faithfulness to me and to my family. Once again, I must admit that His will is perfect; even when it doesn't agree with mine.
You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. Gen 50:20
Only in eternity will we know fully what God accomplishes in each tragedy, but one thing is certain, He works it together to bring good if we are His.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
Enjoy your first Christmas in Heaven, Becky. I can hear you singing with the angels. How beautiful!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Game Day
It's Friday -- that means its game day. Newnan is taking on Dacula in the second round of the state 5AAAAA playoffs. I am already getting those butterflies in my tummy and trying not to pray about winning a game but praying all the same. I believe Jesus is an avid football fan - just sayin' (sorry Cat).
I also believe He has a special fondness for the Newnan Cougars since so many of his children are involved.
Last Friday about this time I was already emailing back and forth with Becky about the game and our chances of upsetting Valdosta IN Valdosta. She was, along with so many other things, my football buddy on Fridays. I guess a lot of folks worked but she and I could talk it up, like we did that afternoon in the car on our way to the game. The last text I received from her about 10:15 that night was: "I heard it was a "W"...
Today I just want to say that Becky, you were and are a "W"..... I'm not sure you realized that but we did. I know you would never want to come back here - Heaven has spoiled you now - so go ahead and enjoy it up there, but remember to check in about 10:00 tonight to see if we got another "W". I love you baby girl.
I also believe He has a special fondness for the Newnan Cougars since so many of his children are involved.
Last Friday about this time I was already emailing back and forth with Becky about the game and our chances of upsetting Valdosta IN Valdosta. She was, along with so many other things, my football buddy on Fridays. I guess a lot of folks worked but she and I could talk it up, like we did that afternoon in the car on our way to the game. The last text I received from her about 10:15 that night was: "I heard it was a "W"...
Today I just want to say that Becky, you were and are a "W"..... I'm not sure you realized that but we did. I know you would never want to come back here - Heaven has spoiled you now - so go ahead and enjoy it up there, but remember to check in about 10:00 tonight to see if we got another "W". I love you baby girl.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
A Celebration of Becky
As most of you know, this past Saturday, my dear niece, Becky slipped away to live in Heaven. She suffered a head injury from a fall in her home. She was 51. I miss her terribly.
She was not only a niece, but a friend that I communicated with almost daily and shared so many wonderful talks and confidences. Yesterday at her funeral I was honored to speak for just a few minutes. The following is what I wrote to speak. As I stood in front of people, some of the writing didn't make it in - other things were added on the spot. But this is my heart, are at least part of it, over Beck. I honor and celebrate her life on this earth and rejoice over her new life in Heaven.
Becky was the first born grandchild in the Wyatt family - which made her the boss, an office she fulfilled well. There was never any doubt who was in charge. I remember at Christmas, Becky always wrote a play for the grandkids to perform for the adults. She would write it, assign roles and they would all head to the back bedroom to practice. Then on Christmas Eve night they would present it for the adults. As an adult she coordinated all our family gatherings - it was just one of her places in the family. She was the organizer, the go to girl in the family.
Like most American families, the Wyatt's are of a mixed ancestry, but mostly we are Irish. Now, Irish folks are known for being emotional: we laugh a lot but we cry a lot too. We can be loud, competitive, a little on the stubborn side. And no matter what is happening in our lives, a good laugh makes everything better. Humor is usually our buffer; with a tad of sarcasm thrown in. The downside of that is, we feel deeply and sometimes those emotions are too much for us to handle. I believe it is safe to say, Becky had her share of Irish blood.
I remember her as a happy child - usually with that look in the eye that made me wonder just what she was up to. How many of us have seen that little glint? Her friends found her loyal to the end. I'm certain many of you can attest to that. And once she loved you, it was forever.

We talked a lot about where she came from, where she was going, and often about her Maw Maw (my mother). One of the things she loved about Maw Maw was her ability to make each grandchild feel like the special one. Not only did they love her as a group, but each grandchild had their own private relationship with Maw Maw. That so impressed Becky.
Saturday at the hospital, I realized just how much like her Becky was. I stood in the hospital room and watched and listened as a steady stream of friends and family was in and out of her room. Several would lean over the bed and speak privately to her, hoping she could hear these last words of love. Then we would talk quietly in the room or the hall. That day I saw Becky had that same unique quality of making each person feel special. Each one had a relationship with Becky that was private, personal and unique. Here I thought I was the special one in her life --- and I was --- and so were each of you. Special in a private way that only the two of you understood. That was another of Becky's special gifts from God. It's called love. The kind of love God has for his children; a special fondness for each of us. Becky had the ability to love each of us right where we are; for exactly who we are. And we loved her back in that same way.
Over the past few months, Becky had her battles, but she never gave up, she never quit, she fought. Every day she started fresh and fought to overcome her weaknesses and draw closer to God. Many days she would call me early and talk about the daily devotional and how it spoke to her. I believe not only did God see her struggle, but He was in that struggle with her. Father's are like that you know.
I loved the way Becky approached God. In typical Becky style, she bared it all before Him. When she stumbled and fell she got up agian. No pretense. When she had a good day she celebrated. She was not seeking religion - she was seeking Jesus.
Like so many of you I've talked to this week, I feel robbed and cheated out of someone beautiful. I am not ready to let her go. I want her here -- with that cocky roll of the eyes and that contagious laugh of hers. But that isn't going to happen. And so, for the 100th time this week, I lift my hands before God and release her to Him....agian. And I thank Him for his love to her and to us and for His faithfulness to Becky. And each time I do that I have a bit more peace ... a bit more acceptance.
One last thing. Several of you have remarked how sad that she died alone. I do not believe she died alone, but I know Jesus was right there with her, carrying her safely over. He would never draw her, love her and then leave her alone. He promised that. Don't waste another minute dwelling on her fear at the end - in His presence there is no fear.
So, for Becky there are no more struglges, no more humiliations, no more sadness, only joy, only peace.
You won Sweetie -no matter how it looks, we know you won! You are free now.
And we are free too - free to hurt, to grieve, to be angry, to forgive. We are also free to move forward with our lives. And rest assured, if you are a child of God, you have not seen the last of Becky!
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