Last night I attended a youth service here in N.C. I was not certain what to expect since we are, after all dealing with teens, but let me say: it was great! My husband and I stood in the back because we wanted to observe the worship and watch our grandson playing his bass guitar and singing on the stage. My goodness! Blond curls, blue eyes, skinny jeans and hand painted tennis shoes.
He was amazing. And he sang. I have been in many services with him where getting him to sing was a job - but he sang, he played, he worshipped. He was awesome.
In the back of the room was a table with several young people sitting and working. There in the middle was our next grandson busy on his laptop putting words on the overhead screen. Watching him bouncing in his seat, singing and typing all at the same time, I had flashbacks of his mom and uncle both taking their turns on the overhead. He was awesome!
At the end of the table was his younger brother bent intently over the soundboard, listening, adjusting, moving with the music. One more awesome!
Royce and I have 15 wonderful grandkids, each awesome in their own way. Each has his or her own place in God, their particular set of talents and interests, last night I watched as these three took their place in the house of God and it was a good thing. God has once again proven himself faithful.
The promises He has given us, the words He has spoken, the prayers prayed, the tears shed, none of it is wasted. Every time we go before Him in prayer or to look upon His face, something is done in the spirituals. Something timeless and lasting. This world is of course temporary, but the things done in the spiritual - they are everlasting and they are life.
After a few moments they began to sing about loving His presence. Hands went up all over the congregation and young voices raised in love to Jesus. This grandma stood in the midst and raised hands and sang along .. "I love Your presence." I was no longer a spectator. In His presence age doesn't matter. One last awesome!
I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever. With my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations. Psalm 89:1