A walk through the valley is peaceful with the soft damp air, lush green ferns and vines. Even the moss and the ground is a bit softer and easier to walk on. Something about the valley makes me want to stop and ponder, relax and look inward. In the valley He restores my soul. Its that quiet, uninterrupted intimacy with Him that makes the valley so appealing to me.
Like most of you, I have had my walks through the valley - even the valley of the shadow of death. The shadow lands are still and quiet; you can feel the very breath of Jesus on your soul. His nearness in those times is comforting and peaceful while strengthening at the same time.
Back in the year 2000, Royce and I were in the Big Horn Mountains in Wyoming. Mountains in the west are different from the ones here in the south. For one, there are very few people around, but other than that, the mountains themselves are different. There is not as much undergrowth and the roads tend to go more upward instead of around and around to get there.
That day I remember riding on the crest of the mountain for miles. We were literally on top of the mountain and yet we were in a meadow. Wildflowers were everywhere and the antelope really did play around. The air was thin and crisp and even though it was June, the coolness on our face was wonderful. At one point we stopped to take photos of the flowers and as we walked arm in arm it was so peaceful that words would have been an interruption. We stopped and he wrapped his arms around me and we looked at each other in the stillness. His kiss was still sweet on my lips as we started our drive back down the mountain.
Halfway down, the sky clouded over and rain came in spots here and there as we drove. After a bit the clouds cleared and the sun came out again. Then, off to the side we noticed a beautiful rainbow. Since there was no one else around, we decided that rainbow was our special gift from God.
He is faithful.